Frage von popaj:
Hi All,
because my DV output is broken, I now seek alternatives to
My take on the Calculator to tapes.
Recording device: PanaGS500.
Suppose you buy now a very small camcorder and
dubs the tapes on PC. Quality remains the same?
for example, GS 17 or the like. 1CCD.
Or are the likely "smaller" heads in the drive
To recognize quality differences?
What do you think of this MiniDV drives that are worth what??
Thank you.
Antwort von Alf_300:

MiniDV drives are probably no more
Recorders such as the JVC HR-DVS3EU no longer synonymous
So you have only one bitch or analog capture a Canopus AVC.
Personally, I've found no visible difference as if I've played Fremdkassetten.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Suppose you buy now a very small camcorder and.überspielt the tapes on PC. Quality remains the same? ... Yes, because nothing changes: the dubbing is a pure copying.
... What do you think of this MiniDV drives that are worth what? ... This player / recorders are nothing more than your camcorder without the camera part, which means they are suitable for your purpose, of course. Normally, however, they cost more than just a camcorder, so that you are with such as "Capture bitch" as a whole better off.
Antwort von JMS Productions:
... or analog via a Canopus AVC. I think this is an unnecessary step, in which quality is lost unnecessarily. A digital MiniDV tape off analog, then again with one ADVC digitize? Why?
They simply buy some functional MiniDV camcorder. Ebay you get some even nachgeschmissen. So that transmits its tapes as usual via FireWire to the PC and everyone is happy.
How come the lossy step through the analog-digital converter?
Antwort von Alf_300:

Did it capture bitch OR Canopus written -;)
Antwort von popaj:

Thanks s.Alle.
Oh, ok. So it must not GS500, 300 or his 250th
Get me then probably get a simple little GS11, Gs75usw.
Yes there are some favorable. Get the simply connected s.Calculator
And let's good.
Antwort von Alf_300:

I think so we dss dsass you you imagine the works,
Perhaps there next synonymous (for Geburtstsg / Weihnschten ect.) A CAM with SD card, then you HSST the issue off the table
CAM always turn does not help if the calculator produces an overcurrent or leakage
Antwort von popaj:

Thank you.
Somehow I can not be separated of the DV tapes.
In SD, knows no change. I am somewhat uncertain.
One mouse click and everything is gone! And anyway, oh well!