Frage von luftikus143:
meanwhile, I am really confused and can understand almost nothing more. I have read here and there, trying to understand ... white but nothing more really ... Maybe someone can give me to help bail out?
Have a GS280 and GS300 (swap out with my father and her, the only difference as far as I know is the DV input in GS300). I take in at 16:9 - and here is the first problem: If you have a proper 16:9 or "wrong"?
I want my movies to Quicktime DV export, in order to save space. Can someone tell me how the right Resolutionist? Quicktime tells me something of PAL and 720x576 for 16:9 (1024x576) ...
But the exported movie has a pretty streaky appearance ...
Can someone help me and explain what I like to do?
Thank you very much!
Lean Back and Relax - Enjoy some Nature Photography:
Antwort von nexxt:

buy an external disk?
gruß cj
ps. including mini dv mov qt to a (?) mov convert?
Antwort von nexxt:
buy an external disk? Sure, ne possibility. But I want to stop the movies with me auf'm laptop can ...
including mini dv mov qt to a (?) mov convert? Up to 50% space saving ... And as good as no loss of quality ..
Antwort von nexxt:

"Up to 50% space saving ... And as good as no loss of quality .."
... like this, with the codec and the tape?
gruß cj
ps. 720x576 anamorphic 16:9 is correct for sd.
Antwort von Markus:
But the exported movie has a pretty streaky appearance ... On the computer monitor? Then it could interlace strips of the fields to be.
Antwort von Granny S.:
On the computer monitor? Then it could interlace strips of the fields to be. And what does that mean then?
Antwort von Markus:

Okay, this has been obvious, as if a few basics are needed. Times you read through the following contributions and follow synonymous with the linked thread:
deinterlaces - or not? "
Video recordings s.Computermonitor not look good