Newsmeldung von slashCAM: H.264 settings explained of rudi - 6 Apr 2009 15:03:00 Most users would like nothing more than the average on an export button to press to their own work then in the best possible quality saves. But codecs such as H.264 offer such a wide variety s.Einstellungen that with manual intervention usually much more s.Qualität can bring out when the computer by default allows. Provided, however, that you know what you're doing. A nice German-language text of the Art University in Linz (!) Describes many H.264 parameters and gives tips on their correct use. Very informative, indeed.
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Antwort von handiro:

naja .... I would be enough for what ne setting in Final Cut Pro, I must take to ensure that my 16:9 videos in HD with a clean run ...
at Vimeo've already ichs hingekriegt ..... is a dry bushes and the text of the proposed converter x264.exe (32-bit) is unfortunately only for microbicsoft ....
Antwort von deti:

x264 is synonymous for MacOS available. Google is - and where we are grad: thought I was in favor of YouTube dissolved.