Frage von twalter:
Hello together,
I stand before the purchase of a camcorder for semi-ambitious projects. The camcorder should have a high resale value and have the following features:
- Recording to SD Card 8 GB
- Good 1 - CCD or 3 - CCD (larger than 1 / 6 ")
- 1080i or 1080p
- Optical image stabilization
- Filter threads
- Audio or microphone input
- Shoe accessories
- Manual Tonaussteuerung
- Headphone output
Is there something about? I have so far no model with all of these features found.
What is on the way, so that almost all 1080i camcorder with only 0:53 megapixel effective recording? Since hochinterpoliert but must be, right? What makes for a sense please?
Thank you!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Is there something about? If it's instead of the SD instead of the P2 and LANC "Remote Cam" to him, would possibly the Panasonic HVX200 in question.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) What is the way, in order to ensure that almost all 1080i camcorder with only 0:53 megapixel effective recording? Since hochinterpoliert but must be, right? What makes for a sense please? (...) Where hast thou ago? That is wrong. In addition, discrepancies between the chips Resolutionder which was in the advertising brochure and can read the resolution, which ultimately on a storage media is present, normal. Internally, the Camera Resolutions others. A poor chip Resolutionist often of advantage when the noise ratio and sharpness. That is paradoxical. And interpolation is not always synonymous.
Antwort von Leo123:

And normally one week wait, then we know everything about the XDCAM EX and we have no more with the outdated P2 rumwerkeln ;)...
Antwort von twalter:

Oops, I'm here in the Super Pro forum landed? Danke schon mal for the answers, but I'm looking for something in the consumer area of 1000 ¬. We are synonymous in this class, the spatial offset used?
Antwort von webrider:

for 1000, - EUR
As such you may only make matters garnicht !!!!!
Your Camera is: