Frage von sentenza:
s.alle hello:)
I've been playing for quite some time with the thoughts I buy a full-HD camcorder! my budget is limited (, so about ¬ 6-700) and after reading countless tests and reports, I am still not decided what it is to be nu.
I am passing a canon eos 1000d DSLR owners and have in the area already have some experience. now I have my head the first time the gedankenin set my 1000d for sale and for me to buy a 550D (; about 650 ¬), which captures so synonymous full hd.
the test videos have blown away, in my opinion, it is in the price segment no hd-camcorder in weitwinkel things, the lowlight DSLR with video feature, the water could be rich .. Am I right? you can hide Anüll shutter settings, etc., which seems gone so apparently lost
Quite apart from handling a dslr is, I can imagine there's another film to that feeling
like her is so that? in the end result but a lot of advantages in buying such a DSLR. would like to hear your opinion and to hope it will help me in purchasing! :)
Antwort von Ficeduld:

I have a 550D
Monitor does not swivel -> light, bad viewing angle
Autofocus while recording is not usable
Alias | Wavefront and Mayaing Moireartekakte in certain structures
Built-in Micro suboptimal, at slightest wind noise Chen
Interchangeable lenses
Play with depth of focus, bokeh
my 2c