Infoseite // HDV Tonproblem?

Frage von cutty:

Given a query in the JVC's forum has brought no response once a request s.alle general HDV users: Is this about 0.3 seconds long sound dropout during scene changes or HDV typically occurs only in models of JVC HDxxx on? This is in direct use of the material without cutting (yes that is synonymous ;-) very annoying!


Antwort von jazzy_d:

Did my HC3 synonymous. But do not bother me because for me, "uncut" does not exist :-)

Whether it is now up to HDV, I do not know.


Antwort von WoWu:

Has the 100er and 250er not. However, without a firmware update.


Antwort von cutty:

Thank you! Synonymous've already heard that the 250er not have. Nevertheless, it is annoying! It is a step more, on average, because the small pieces rausfuzeln needs. Perhaps there will soon yes again firmware upgrade.


Antwort von roedely:

My HV20 is I mean not synonymous.


Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

"Anonymous" wrote: My HV20 is I mean not synonymous.
FX1 not synonymous ... the HDV format, it should probably not lie then, small bug in the firmware?


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