Infoseite // Jahshaka's uncertain future

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Jahshaka's uncertain future of rudi - 8 Feb 2006 00:00:00
Strange rumors have grown up around the much-awaited compositing and editing program Jahshaka. Thus, the founder of the project, said development of the code to have been locked out because the main sponsor now wants to promote the new version 3.0 without open development. Why and how with an open-source project could function at all, however, remains somewhat obscure. Whether this means the end of the project, one can not be foreseen yet. Especially as the new sponsor ( asserts that the development is going the 3.0 version in large increments, and the old core developer team synonymous behind it. The new version is to remain, according VMFX open source, but they wanted - for unspecified reasons, also disclose the code base at a later date. Strange, but nevertheless it remains exciting ...


Antwort von Oli68:

Somebody get to explain who the interested, so I mean, who really is waiting to Jahshaka, will ever be a serious alternative? How is that interesting for a sponsor?


Antwort von lauviss:

So I installed it myself a few weeks ago (on Windows XP SP2) and the program crashed repeatedly. Lack of documentation, I will not speak at all ...

To me it is really no preference whether it be "open source" or not. The main documentation is abundant. It is synonymous Programs are free, the "closed source" are and are still good.


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