Frage von ElOllO:
Hi All,
I hope my ignorance does not apply to laughter, but to support:
Have a V8 Camera of digitized video material that I present as mpeg (mpeg what exactly I can not) say. Now I would like to simply rausgeschnitten some material like this and put a few things s.The right place to save it again as a movie. Cutting my previous program (Windows Movie Maker 2) loads the files, but for the alleged lack of Codex is not an (and I know I am not particularly made with Codex) and other cutting programs (freeware mind you) read the mpeg files a non-synonymous. What can I do because if I get a quick (and need above all, free) solution? Thanks for the help
Antwort von Chris2:

1.) This DV codec download and install here:
2.) Virtual Dub Mpeg2-download and install: MPEG2. Zip
With Virtual Dub download the file. Filters -> Add -> Deinterlace. Then Filter -> Add -> Resize -> to 720 x 576, bicubic. Then Video -> Compression - there> Cedocida choose the DV codec. File -> Save Avi
The exported video would then be opened in the current editing programs.
Antwort von Stefan:

Chris was faster. The road is synonymous occurred to me spontaneously.
You can have a MPEG2 codec synonymous retrofitted to cut with the WMM2 too. One way is to install FFMPEG.
To save as MPEG2 you need an MPEG encoder. Which there is also free of hobbyists (see or higher quality in the price range around 100 euros of different providers.
If you have an idea, how will you present the completed films that are more specific tips in there ...
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von PcSince88:

The Womble of Mpegvideowizard there are synonymous, I think as far as trial. Simply download times.
Can do everything, eats everything mpeg is, how it's made, there was a source format, without expert knowledge. In the export settings are set to 'automatic' are making is at issue in the source format to everything.
Gruss - PcSince88
Antwort von videoboy:

Here, I can even say something synonymous.
So I learned to develop a mix of my souvenirs Haupauge WINTV 2 GO map was for such small tasks sandmännchen (cut) estimate the nanoPEG MPEG editor.
The is here:
filmchen play boarded up point is reached - press> to pause -> "leave in" set mark - continue> or s.fortschrittsbalken manuipulieren and run - endpoint> until desired -> "out" mark set. "Add Interval" button and the right of the clip appears as a timecode.
And we can be funny durcheinanderschneiden the film. simply add more and more intervals, or delete.
So really super easy. also eats every Mpg far as I know, and then encodes the entire super-fast as a film.
you should just remember (in my version is so) either later in the folder, or even when to save the endung. mpg admit.
I find that little bit weird and it lasted until I arrived.
Otherwise I can recommend the small editor for little things.
Antwort von grundy:

There are some freeware-tools, partly in English, with which you convert mpeg files to avi can. Just look under the term>> mpeg to avi < 'in google. There's plenty. This means that your first point, the material in mpg avi and transmute it then you can edit with movie maker next. Otherwise, there are the expensive tool for the professional interests of Mainconcept Premiere Pro 1.5. So you can edit synonymous mpgs directly in the Timeline.
Good luck
Antwort von Stefan:

There is nothing here?
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Markus:
There is nothing here? I have merged the two identical contributions.
@ "ElOllO"