Frage von videoinsert:
Videoton Dear experts in this forum
I have a problem with your help maybe I could.
I have a JVC Stereo Microphone Type MV-P612U receive a gift.
I want this Microphone s.meiner video camera used.
The Camera has two 3-pin XLR - Monoeingänge with phantom power.
The short cable of the microphone JVC missing but the original JVC fünfpolige times.
At the cable end, I have 5 lines, yellow, red, brown, blue, black and mass screen.
How can I change the Microphone s.einem 3-pin XLR Male to connect?
Who can help me?
Best Regards
Antwort von simschmid:

Hello Videoinsert
Here is the pinout of the 6 pin connector JVC:
s.Rot (signal 1)
b) Blue (Power)
c) Brown (Ground)
d) Black (signal 2)
e) Yellow (Ground)
f) Screen (ground)
Red (Black s.and (d) are the signal lines.
Blue (b) is the power (eg 9V battery.
Brown (c), yellow (e) and the screen (f) are the inside of the microphone
merged and are the mass of Sound and supply voltage.
Od you Micro synonymous with the phantom voltage of 48V can eat, I still have not tried. The outputs of the microphone are unbalanced in any event!
The inside of the microphone but it has enough space to XLR jack to construction.
Regards Simon
Antwort von Schlafsack:
Od you Micro synonymous with the phantom voltage of 48V can eat, I still have not tried. The outputs of the microphone are unbalanced in any event! I know the Micro does not synonymous, I know nothing about the connection assignment, but in principle applies: Unbalanced Connections may
not get phantom power!
Whether it's the thread starter of nine months still interested, well, you do not know ...
Antwort von simschmid:

Hello sleeping
Well, the thread starter obs still interested you do not know, because I give you right. But without any tinkering, do you get it anyway because no reasonable times ran, so why not have a phantom power to think? Of course, as a purely circuit, which adjusts the tension!
Antwort von Schlafsack:

Hello simschmid,
Of you it sounded as if you connect a phantom voltage s.einen unbalanced connection just might try it. Of this, I wanted everyone who reads this, advise, because the mixer could take a loss.
The 48 volt are generally about one 6.8 kilohms resistance on the line running. With a connection will be unbalanced, but inverting the signal conductor on the mass in terms of a short circuit equivalent. This resistance would now with about 1 / 3 watt load resistors can be used and only 1 / 4 Watt tolerated, SMD resistors, and which will probably be installed as to create just 1 / 8 Watt. This is not good long walk.
Of course, if you tinker a circuit, the 48 volts on both lines for the micro necessary tension on a line heruntertransformiert, then this could possibly work. But since you have to stop tinkering something.
Antwort von mikroguenni:

break may s.mixer Camera or nothing, is not synonymous with short-circuit.
Phantom adapter retrofit is not so simple and with a few electronic resources.
Obviously, a power supply via 9V Battery possible, I would make.
Wiring of XLR Male:
1 = ground, with the microphone ground.
3 with wire jumper with 1 bridge.
2 nF, with signal 1 or signal 2 with s.Microphone connect
Battery s.blau and shield (mass), for instance.
Greeting mikroguenni
Antwort von simschmid:

Thanks for the info mikroguenni!
Seems so good to be read in this forum
hope that the Threadstartet the times yet to be synonymous face.
Plenty of inputs, how he can pursue his Mik, yes he should have!
Regards Simon