Frage von XAO:
Hello Dear Friends Video
Maybe my question is Stupid but I ask you, drotzdem.
I work with Liquid Edition Pro
and would like a music video shoot is supposed to be professional but
can you tell me of what software I need a music video Dereh professionally,
I asked a friend and has told me this man takes several programe man can not only with a programmed work
I hope you könt help me next,
Antwort von Stefan:

Think about what s.Schnitten / effects / corrections will appear in the music video. And what you can do it with Liquid Edition Pro. If something is not feasible as the left, you may ask, what program does just that.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von XAO:

Hello thanks Stefan
But I'd say an example, how can I make a staff of 2 is therefore a double, with 2 verscheidene color on a video I've seen a beautiful liht effeckt before the singer is,
I will s.liebsten the musikvideos veröfendlichen but I do not knows it as,
Antwort von Stefan:

Publishing can be problematic if this is a strange video (copyright).
You could post a screenshot (Screenshot) and save to make And address on the screenshot you can sit here, then the picture will appear in the discussion.
From your description of her ... the effect probably comes with a normal video editing software (synonymous Liquid Edition Pro), if they can work with multiple levels / layers.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von XAO:

Hello stefan
Maybe I would be happy to send you this musicvideo by email could you tell me what is programmed with the built
Antwort von MiXMaster:

now that I do not see the video to be able to say with some certainty that you have in almost every music video the halfway cool effects, need a compositing software, such as Digital Fusion, After Effects or Combustion. With a clear cut or tools in the editing software that will be virtually impossible to carry
Antwort von Stefan:

@ Guest
The hope dies last.
@ Xao
I look at the happy. But I'm afraid that in a video e-mail is bursting my mailbox. I have a total of only 8 MB of space and as already implicit in it some more.
Do you have no way to upload the video somewhere?
With the ability to keep private to the file (password or secret links):
Public notification:
A Stillimage ranges as described above is sufficient for the time being synonymous, no problem. If you hinbekommst to upload, register here. I sign it with a personal message for the download address.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von XAO:

Thanks stefan
I try to upload if I can
if it does not always work I'm doing a picture like this,
Thank you very much
Antwort von XAO:

've Done
Stefan Here is the link
Name is the klip
Hande_Yener_-_Kelepce_-_www.klipler.gen.ms_-_.avi Download
Thanks again
Antwort von PowerMac:

This thread is not serious gemeinet, right?
Antwort von Stefan:

@ PowerMac
But I think so. Anyway, I do not see it as a parody and the issue will be treated as "serious" as other topics. Following the discussions lately ... indeed, it is borderline to respond to such questions. As for me s.Xaos "case" itch? No clue. To check whether you can get on board with funds if you can? So curious, so curiosity is definitely here ...
@ Xao
I see me today at night.
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Stefan:

Xao, I've watched the video now.
In this video is your friend right - here was very strong with further processed composing programs.
A few places with effects and how they were perhaps gemcht ...
Frame 290:
The red coat has a wiper / blast effect as the two highlights of hand jewelry. One can adjust with a standard editing program, such as making copies of selected fuzzy colors (red / white) are overlaid on the Picture.
Frame 458:
Here are the sharp changes in the Picture. I'm not sure if this is intended or just a recording error. It still happens more often in the video.
Frame 1167:
Now the mercury-coming people. You get with a normal editing program is not out. This can be a different recording, which was mounted in the video. To make the additional recording, you need a studio with green screen or blue screen, in order to exempt persons. And a composing program to launch the mercury surface.
Frame 1405:
The Mercury people still synonymous scatter particles. Thus, a particle system have few synonymous Composing Programs.
To frame 1660:
Here you can see beautiful as the fitting of both video layers is not so perfect. However, if only in single screen mode.
To frame 1730:
Beautifully done, and left a light is moved in the real scene and fits in with the stunt scene. On the set bit has been set up - all the decoration and the lights ...
Frame 1967:
Then why does the camera Heimer as sharp? DAS are not the eyes!
Frame 2318:
Once the beam effects on the disco ball. Which can be made synonymous with an effect s.der filter lens camera.
Frame 2438:
Now come the fluorescent mutants. In principle, the same trick as with the mercury cuttings. Pros, a blue glow effect. Not long now is new.
Frame 3855:
Completely different scene image and the third set of clothes (the women). Is subsequently at the hands of a single particle effects mounted, and the particle spin follows the hand movements. Thus, the composing program needs at least a particle system. The consequences of the movement is with a tracking system easier. Here it can still "be made of hand" through use of location points.
Frame 4239:
Um. Since I am at a loss. Several layers superimposed blurred, but what sources were used for this?
Frame 4359:
Here, at least three films are stacked. An artificial light, a real image with the singer and the troops Quecksilberlinge. The real background behind the singer had to remove (be ausgekeyt). It is not that good, as we see s.den brown edges. Perhaps it occurs to Keyproblem on mercury in the cuttings is not because of the whitening / have lights.
Frame 4406:
Again, the same Rätselecke above.
Frame 4524:
This first vertebrae in the light of a whole series sees the Stillimage first from spectacular. But "will only blend", a fourth video layer with a graphic that with varying transparency.
Frame 4721:
The effect must not be forgotten! The writing fade with the background of red and blue animated bar with an editing program is feasible, if moving masks available. The font looks a bit mounted on the beams. As if it were a standard bar entertainment and gives out the titles of all the artists are placed in the program.
Frame 5316:
Are the four silver dancers or only one / s cloned four times? I tend more to the fact that there are clones
Overall, in the video had a lot of time and hard effort (Extradreh! Been reingesteckt) in the post. If you want to get started in the direction you need to learn a lot. There are material to the net. comes to mind when I think - for example the local displacement tutorial with the Invisible Man for After Effect can be used to make the Quecksilberlinge to ...
Good luck
The fat Stefan.
Antwort von XAO:

Stefan, I thank you several times and several Wünche you all the best and much success in your career, #
See you later