Infoseite // My FireWire Problem

Frage von Jan Fischer:

Hello dear community,

I bought an NV-GS27EG. This camcorder has a FireWire and a USB 2.0 port. I bought a FireWire card.
My calculator has Windows XP SP2. I've been reading the forum that Windows XP SP2 FireWire is not compatible. The patch of Windows I installed this, but this did not work. My problem:

I wish of my camcorder (DV) was added to capture on film the calculator. Allderdings crashes my calculator every time s.oder restarts when I try it. Time in different time intervals.

Windows XP SP2, I do not want to uninstall.

My question s.euch:

Is there a possible answer my video capture to your PC without having to change my operating system?

I hope you can help me.

Thanks for the replies schonmal vorraus.

Mfg Jan


Antwort von Nobleman:

Hello .. I bought me a GS280. Firewire card eingebaut.Windows XP SP2 I have synonymous. Software of the camera contain old and only waiting times. About detected FireWire camera. Software of Ulead (there contain old pros at 5 euros) and camera connected via FireWire. Synonymous USB function works fine, but only for the pictures.
Could now easily drag my movie as a DV-AVI on my PC and edit.
FireWire card, I have gained me an old Lite on ebay.
New price Dez2000 incredible 500 DM, but should work perfectly with Adobe Premiere. Now I miss only Adobe Premiere :-)
I hope I could help.

MfG Nobleman


Antwort von steveb:


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