Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: New thoughts on Final Cut Studio 4
Antwort von NEEL:

I think Apple's time is coming to an end, at least in the PC NLE editing systems. What FCS 4 is still better than Avid or Premiere? Ruch to the overpriced Apple hardware is now synonymous nor the scratches in the paint as a result of lost innovations - see USB 3.0 and Bluray, Firewire of 3000, not to mention video card support or timely FCS upgrade altogether. In fact, it is now only expensive, but not necessarily useful to put on Apple as a platform. In Hamburg's Alster Cafes and Berlin Kiezkneipen makes sure the Macbook for a while quite good as the symbol of digital Boheme - only it should be appropriately when men's and ladies' outfitters are sold instead in Gravisläden :-)
Antwort von Axel:

With the support of native codecs in one would FCS4 2012 (the end of the Mayan calendar, incidentally, hisses synonymous Maya on Mac take over in 64bit!) Course chloroformed dogs behind the stove. Otherwise, we wait and see, I believe synonymous s.Hodgetts scenario. And he's so pretty synonymous: Avid and Adobe have won the round.
Still, there are two possible developments, both Apple-would typically: sell off (on tiered high level) of the software in Fun-and lifestyle-crap or a revolution - even more than speed and codec compatibility - is overdue. The categories in which we think about video editing, organization of material, editing, postproduction, issue, were not created of God. I do not want dynamic links or rickety bridges, but a surface that provides all the tools that I wish
the moment. Still, I must know and master the proper steps, but I would go no detours and would not wear a weight belt while.
Antwort von Jott:

Apple has pressed for time? How many professional users have actually jumped to Premiere or AVID and not just talk about it? From bitching to the actual change of system there is a next track. Cancels the sales of Final Cut Pro Studio now together, just because some DSLR filmmaker not want to convert their footage in ProRes? The Apple knows better than us.
Antwort von pailes:
I think Apple's time is coming to an end, at least in the PC NLE editing systems. What FCS 4 is still better than Avid or Premiere? Ruch to the overpriced Apple hardware is now synonymous nor the scratches in the paint as a result of lost innovations - see USB 3.0 and Bluray, Firewire of 3000, not to mention video card support or timely FCS upgrade altogether. In fact, it is now only expensive, but not necessarily useful to put on Apple as a platform. In Hamburg's Alster Cafes and Berlin Kiezkneipen makes sure the Macbook for a while quite good as the symbol of digital Boheme - only it should be appropriately when men's and ladies' outfitters are sold instead in Gravisläden :-) Your predictions and arguments we read for years in all possible forums that deal with information technology.
The fact is that Apple
is innovation: You have MP3-player market turned around it, they have revamped the smartphone market and are widely copied only who does not see must be blind. When Apple nothing happens for a reason, and certainly not be rejected if emerging technologies aware (eg, Blu-Ray).
What could Apple do with FCS 4 better than Avid or Premiere? What OS X could do better than Windows? What could the iPhone can do better much better than other phones? What could make the iPod even better than other MP3 player? Look and Feel? Usability? Application Round-Trip? Workflow? Performance? There are dozens of ways, Axel has the possibility of a "revolution" has indicated, however improbable it's not because Apple has the Money, the How and the power to revolutionize know if they
Antwort von WoWu:

Why should Apple be Rumschlag with a hard sale to software if on the other every 10 seconds a Page iphone, iPod, or any other Apple product from the tape falls s.dem they earn considerably more.
If anything, software, mass-produced like iWorks, maybe even iMovie but in any case, Apps, s.denen one more and has not even deserve to work.
And iMovie probably synonymous only with Apple TV (iTV), so a 5 Mbit codec that only runs on Apple devices and synonymous only to find in the iCloud and sending of photo albums to "Aunt Emma" as a birthday present is.
Apple has already changed, some do not only want to admit it.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Apple has pressed for time? How many professional users have actually jumped to Premiere or AVID and not just talk about it? ... Cancels the sales of Final Cut Pro Studio together now, just because some DSLR filmmaker not want to convert their footage in ProRes? .. . So vast size of it is shown some love, should the pressure for Apple is unlikely to be (or for Sonyoder Canon or Panasonic or any other company, its imminent demise is predicted, as soon as the competition brings a new product on the market).
In the professional field is well known not just "quickly a complete system is changed: as much into play with more things than the actual NLE. Most recently, for example, the Cologne Broadcasting Center (production services of the RTL Group, but operate synonymous for other customers) and its news magazine cut changed - and now works entirely on Final Cut Pro.
"We have chosen not only because of the lower cost of Final Cut, but synonymous, and" just in order to be able to reduce the ongoing operating and support costs for NLE editing systems, based CBC manager Thomas Harscheidt the decision to standardize on Final cut. "Besides, it is now much easier to find good Final Cut editors."
They even jointly with Apple has developed a complementary software to customize Final Cut Pro s.die special requirements of the CBC can.
As FCS4, currently there are probably only a single reliable conclusion: Nothing Exact do not know.
Antwort von Ian:

Apple's just a fashion item and not a workhorse.
Antwort von dvcut:

Also, we have sold our Apple shares s.Hochpunkt because no new revolution in sight. The issue of post-processing is becoming more manageable. The bottom line is you have the choice between the three A's. Perhaps we should still call Edius and Vegas. The real problem but the lack of users. From 100 camcorder owners take max. 1-2% of a finished movie to the series and you meet here at slashCAM. Perhaps we are all wiser after the IBC.
Antwort von Jott:
Most recently, for example, the Cologne Broadcasting Center (production services of the RTL Group, but operate synonymous for other customers) and its news magazine cut changed - and now works entirely on Final Cut Pro. What wonderful shows that the perception in the broadcast world and in forums Mecker but differs quite strong.
Antwort von WoWu:

CBC ... who?
Antwort von Jott:

Is a small dilapidated building in Cologne, the broadcast center playing for the completely unknown RTL Group (who?) :-)
Antwort von WoWu:

And now you mean because CBC Final Cut uses that Apple can not do otherwise than to develop next?
So again: Who is CBC?
Quite apart from the fact that broadcast still has five years pre-planning.
At the time such decisions were synonymous understandable but still show no relation to the current development.
Apple has come to the program in 1999 as the "Virgin with the child," because they wanted to take over Macromedia and is part of the sale are not disposed of.
Then, when the camcorder got the FW interface, Apple saw an opportunity to sell more again Calculator (for the shops at the time were a disaster).
Now the shops are feeling better, but not with commercial products, for which there is still much better on top of competition.
We'll see whether the interests of Apple has not changed a long time.
At least FCPro is for me the way out and just what kind of nostalgic.
Antwort von heinrichs:

What is your problem?
Antwort von NEEL:

At one point, Apple has, of course, watch out, as it At the time, threw Final Cut Pro synonymous in furious act of defiance on Avid's Windows move to the market: Avid was too expensive and thus difficult to learn, as might afford only the least-cutter a private Avid editing suite. Apple Final Cut Pro began with consequently equal to the widest possible dissemination and started with a competitive price, making the market penetration was guaranteed a lack of alternatives. Thus, there was soon a lot of students and student Final Cut Pro editors, while Avid editors were until not long ago pure short supply. Avid has slept through the promotion of young talent just too long. When deciding CBCWho and other sweatshops to focus on FCS, it has to do so safely synonymous with the sheer mass s.verfügbaren low-cutters ...
Antwort von FrankFaster:

Interesting discussion here leads to it:). Who's interested can even googled times the market share (in America) of Final Cut Pro. Meanwhile, even Hollywood productions to Final Cut Pro to cut (Brokeback Mountain).
Gruss Frank
Antwort von WoWu:

It is less a question of who else works with it, but rather a question of revenue.
Apple is not a charitable company, which supported his work with artists. Even with the student campaigns focused on next nothing, as the sale of hardware.
Now, Apple hardware sold in abundance and yet more content in the form of songs and (soon) shoot, but (in Comparison) is hardly significant numbers in the commercial sector.
So where does the assumption that Apple would play for less lucrative group of commercial users, the Samaritan?
Perhaps they are similar to iMovie to iMovieProSumer ... But the few commercial users .... Peanuts
And whether on a Hollywood movie in the credits "Apple FinalCutPro" stands or falls whether one bag of rice in China.
Of these, they can not get 500 000 additional consumers.
And market share is synonymous always a saturation factor.
Antwort von FrankFaster:

For you, so has market share (which is now somewhere around 70%) units sold with nothing to do? Interesting, where have all the produce for the program?
Gruss Frank
Antwort von Axel:

Another quote from the second link was Hodgetts, FinalCut target group are probably less the cutter big studio productions. This was and is - certainly in part due to existing infrastructure - Avid still number one with distance because of the standard. About the performance of NLEs as a studio suite composer - says the compact little.
My thesis is that conceptually could count only as of the Adobe group of buyers - Prosumer, smaller media production, supplier for television - comparable competitor to Final Cut Pro. With ever-increasing demand s.TV programs and video media for private clients spread this quickly responded and Avid.
For half a year you can say that the said two competitors have overtaken FinalCut. For a decade it - was for the target group described here - just the opposite!
And what is it that the success of AMC5 CS5 and justified? 64bit? No binding s.proprietäre architecture? Papperlapapp: USER FRIENDLY (which of course is synonymous with the power coupled in the premiere the previous versions there was just not enough of it). User friendliness was so over several computer generations
the success of Apple. If this Mojo now actually competing s.die be awarded, which took
so long precisely to even get out of the cottage cheese, that's how it is. Then there will be hated by many people. But it could be synonymous, that catches up to the longer pit stop FinalCut (or successor) with a boost.
At least FCPro is for me the way out and just what kind of nostalgic. Phew, I forget which is cut with you. What, however, always synonymous, it is with the requirement profile can not compare the most. I would not believe you by the way, if you told you had more than half a year ever HD footage in Premiere, not only cut, but completely processed.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Frank
Market share of 70% said not much, because 70% of what .... Of 3000 potential commercial buyers?
That would not be much. I thought with saturation factor.
What counts is the number that Apple might be interested to make it in sales.
when we speak of 1.4 Mill U.S. $. which is measured s.Aufwand simply too little to a business generally measured in addition to the sales figures for the TUNES s.geringen and effort to, at all to be interesting.
Seen see 70% great, but the bottom line remains low.
@ Axel
The question I have not understood .... We used Final Cut Pro for HD until we switched to AVC-I, because Apple could not 10bit yet AVC synonymous only in the approach.
Final Cut Pro, we have for the entire section, including playout to MAZ used. Premiere, we have only in teams and in other countries, and synonymous only since the hardware support of AVC.
In this sense you are right.
Was that the question?