Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Nikon D3100 Video function completely without manual adjustments
Antwort von deti:

We all really complain incessantly about the limitations of the Canon EOS series during the shoot. But if you see where the competition (Sonyand Nikon) is currently, so you have to be to ask the question, or want the Manufacturer not improve the movie function?
If the target is still so small that these niche market contributes significantly to the turnover, the technical effort not reasonable or is it unique product features so as not to even compete? It would be interesting to research this a little bit to make a few interviews with the respective product managers, and from it to write a nice article.
Antwort von 02VideoFaBI:

Well, then yes man can only wait to SonyA580 or NikonD7000 ... Otherwise it is just but a 550D - synonymous with no real AF
Antwort von NEEL:
We all really complain incessantly about the limitations of the Canon EOS series during the shoot.
Deti There are just unfortunately not the one Cam for everything. I have the 5D Mark II, therefore, the increased GH1 (less moire and better handling) and the 5d is just for all the wide-angle from the shelf. However, I expect that we will make the 5D Mark III happy. Canon is there any way other than the next and they do not cannibalize their own pro-region when adding wood. Nikon wants, but can not Sonykönnte want not. Stay only Canon and Panasonic, but the 4 / 3 chip of Panny is sometimes a bit small ... If you base a product cycle of three years with the 5D, it might fall of 2011 go:)
Antwort von rush:

Since time is an understanding of the product policy of Nikon ...
If the next larger model does not come close s.die 550D - comes forth in terms of manual handling of video mode - and synonymous of price, then I think real slow what they're doing and if I do not vllt. should go over to Canon ... :)
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

Ditto, deti.
Antwort von Jay-Kay:

Hang on, the EOS 60D s.was next month brings so with yourself:)