Frage von hdvideo:
I would like to soon buy an AVCHD camcorder and edit these files natively possible with a notebook (not Dekstop). Despite a long search in various forums and despite inquiries from some dealers, I'm not sure if any of the above two laptops for AVCHD editing is appropriate.
HP EliteBook 8740W/WD938EA/17 "/ i5-540-2x2.53/HD 500GB-7200 /
RAM 4GB/DVD Burners / Display -matt-1920x1200/Grafik ATI Radeon HD3430 or NVIDIA Quadro Mobililty FX2800M
Lenovo W701 NTV2EGE/17.1 "/ i7-720-4x1.6/HD 320-7200/RAM 4GB/DVD Burners / Display -matt-1920x1200/Grafik NVIDIA Quadro FX2800M
Prices of the 2300 - 2400 ¬ are for me are first, the ceiling for a laptop. I'd like a SonyVAIO with comparable facilities for about 1500 ¬ bought in many forums but is it for me very annoying noise of the device criticized.
For better proposals for a quiet notebook with 17 "- display that does not shine, I am grateful. The Dell M6500 is not in question, however.
Thank you in advance
Antwort von DSLR-Freak:

What is you average? So with and how many effects?
Which Resolution?
Which Camera?
What software?
A laptop will get as with Canon's DSLR-material (or 550D 5D2) in high-resolution still problems, unless you only a trace of hard cuts. "Problems is" synonymous then -> a lot of cooling.
Antwort von hdvideo:

I edit my previously MiniDV videos with Premiere Elements 4.0 simply burn with transitions - often with effects - and the finished project with authoring usually on DVD. With social networks and YouTube, I have nothing s.Hut. Because PE 8 reportedly not said to be very stable, I would incorporate necessary synonymous in other software, for example, Edius Neo 2nd
As a camcorder, I think Panasonic HDC-TM700 with 1920x1080 resolution zBseine. I'm going to grow no-DLSR Camera with video function because my Canon 40D completely sufficient.