Infoseite // PAL 16:9 compression to XVID

Frage von b0kaJ:

A very good evening,

I have a problem: did a movie with 16:9 included, cut and exported with Premiere as DV-AVI PAL. Super Until here everything.

Now, when I with XVID try to compress the movie, the film saves XVID always in 4:3 format. Even when I see "Aspect Ratio" or pixel aspect ratio to 16:9 in places.

There is one canned vllt 16:9 PAL profile? I do not want to now all durchtesten. If anyone knows the Council.

regards, b0kaJ


Antwort von Markus:


a 16:9 - Video has the same Resolutionwie a 4:3 - Video, ie 720 × 576 pixels. Only difference is the pixel aspect ratio (PAR = Pixel Aspect Ratio =).

Not every player reads the PAR and provides the video information correctly dar. The 4:3-aspect ratio falls on a non-next, the pictures may be in (720 × 576 shown =) 5:4, but with 16:9 recording the error is immediately apparent.

DivX suggests to me that the film will be shown later s.Computer. Computers work with square pixels, not square with how they are distributed in the video field. Want to be sure that the movie with any player will play correctly, then expect it around so that it is the target format (16:9) with square pixels achieved.

Learn More:
Pixel Aspect Ratio vs. video. Computer


Antwort von jeantier:

it sounds almost to the topic


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