Infoseite // Panasonic 400 / Micro and recording at a concert

Frage von Dieter C.:

.. for the umpteenth time, the old theme microphones to video cams ...

For several weeks I have owned a Panasonic 400 and am highly
satisfied as regards the image quality.

Last weekend I now have my first concert and filmed as no
Unsurprisingly, the picture quality was very good ..... but the sound ....

Imagine the following situation:

Camera on a balcony.
Up to the stage about 25 feet ..... front of the stage and people ...
The stage itself about 15 feet wide and s.beiden sides then the speakers.

Now, what came out during the sound was the "babble" of the people in the foreground
And of the music or of the singer was not understand much.

Now I have already read a lot and everything is going out on a directional microphone, at least
I understand the whole statement here.
But then, this is really the solution to my problem .. at least if you s.den
Distance between the speaker thinks. It consists of a directional microphone is not a danger to the
"so small" are the one the sound from the speakers do not get on it with ?????

Then then comes the question of the price .... Apparently, the company has Rode
a micro phone on the market VideoMic what should be inexpensive and good.

Now, once again, the beginner question remains whether this Microphone fits on a Panasonic 400,
The shoe according to a Smart Accessory Manufacturer's.
Is a smart accessory shoe the same as a Biltzschuh ???????

Can someone help me please as a boost or at least hint at how my
Problem can solve??

Greeting and thanks


Antwort von Nightfly!:

(Use the power of the * search *!)

See here

Greeting, Nightfly.


Antwort von Dieter C.:

Night Flight ... exactly this post I've read .. And so I came to the Rode Micro.

Unfortunately, this contribution does not answer whether I might get problems if I use at a concert A reference microphone.
After all the speakers at about 6-8 meters from the center of the action are removed.



Antwort von rush:


the problem lies, in my opinion after s.der Kilometers ...
even placing microphones are not all-rounder and should, for example, at a stereomikrofonierung (eg from) the distance of 3:1 to be positioned ... .
adopted by the two speakers are at the distance of 6 meters with each other, it should be your microphone (or your two directional microphones at ab stereomikrofonierung) to possibility in 2 meters distance to the respective sound source / speaker will be established. otherwise you will get sound distortions stop growing, sound reflections etc. .. .

and even ordinary mono-directional microphones (such as the VideoMic) are difficult to reproduce them in the regular location, sound sources in distant surroundings really clear ... either the directional effect is so strong that rausfallen certain areas completely "(klangverfälschungen. ..) or else the noise increases due to the increasing impact report ...
The result showing certainly sounds better than with the internal mic, but 's sounded real adventure, you will probably not reach so synonymous ...
avails s.besten just try;)


Antwort von Nightfly!:

Hello Dieter C.

Quote: "so small" are the one the sound from the speakers do not get on it with ?????
You will raufbekommen the sound, however, as Rush said, the closer the better the sound quality.
And in any case of strong noise in the concert. Possibly. helps a steep angle, because the head scarf pressure (the boxes) nor good but takes up more or less everything else is outside of the indicative range.

Sorry! Greeting


Antwort von Dieter C.:

S.Euch Thanks for the comments.
That has certainly helped me and brings me a step forward.
I will probably then buy me such a time and then try Rode erstmal in this room that I later not to the "Fast ...." fall.

Thanks again s.Euch and a beautiful day


Antwort von Markus:

Hi Dieter,

the sound of the speakers recorded with a micro phone, can possibly lead synonymous with a very good microphone is not on the desired sound quality.

See synonymous:
Problems with Beyerdynamic MCE 86


Antwort von Icebear:

Perhaps you have the chance to abandon the audio signal and supplied to intervene directly to your camera? This brings with certainty the best quality.

So long,


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