Frage von Meister am Mac:
Love slashCAM community
I have to create the following effect stand, but on the hose as far as the implementation of the shooting and the postproduction.
In the end it should look like that one person (center) is moving at normal speed, while accelerated in the background, the people passing by.
Green Screen? Key? How exactly do you do such a thing.
FCS available are 3, Adobe CS4 Master Collection.
About feedback I would be very grateful!
Antwort von schibbe:

With NEM green screen works relatively simple.
You make only one recording of the person in front of the green screen.
Then you keyst the Green s.besten with After Effects.
Here is a simple tutorial about this:
Then you film people want to run fast in the background and lay under the clip, the person. Now you have only the clip with the people and the easiest ways with the person to slow down slightly if necessary.
That's all.
You can, of course, synonymous you move so slowly that people pass in nachhinen "" and the person looks like they would move normally;)
Antwort von jwd96:

You take on the background against which you want the person. Then you take the person in front of a green screen. You KEyst from the person in AE CS4, and places them in the background. Then you make the background just faster.
The person has to move in slow motion (during the normal background, moved quickly), then the whole is in postproduction Sun speeds up, the movement of the person looks nätürlich.
You can, of course, synonymous put an animated mask to the person, but that would take weeks.
Antwort von Paul*Berlin:

or you can let other people run fast ^ ^
ne, but I would really do so (so that the person is running very slowly), for green screen is really expensive, if it is to look good (in general because of light), especially among current scenes, as you need then a treadmill or a long green screen and a rail system for a smooth ride. otherwise it does not look real because the person quickly on the asphalt paving of the road or the slide can ".
Antwort von alwin:

But do you think these horny nciht steadycam effect, as in dejavu with long focal length on the steady, ne eh.
but the is so nice
Antwort von jwd96:

Of course you can wait on synonymous AE CS5. There should be an effect called "Rotobrush" According to the results of the video wonders. A few clicks and already is the masked person in the foreground. Then you can level by setting the non-masked part to make faster. (Does it with an adjustment layer?)
But as I said, until now no one knows (except the Manufacturer) whether the fact as best as synonymous, as shown in this video:
Antwort von SammyGray:

Green Screen? Key? How exactly do you do such a thing.
FCS available are 3, Adobe CS4 Master Collection.
Haha .. s.Mac dear master. For the whole chunk Money for the software, you should really synonymous to the house's own plug-ins or Keyne know how to work at all with a green screen. But I am Nett times: screen + after + effects + tutorial
Antwort von Axel:

The quick selection tool in Photoshop - the
true magic wand - now in After Effects, and the auto detected with Motion Blur - fantastic!
As always synonymous: Test it. This issue we have had about once a year. Even
if the individual by Green Screen (behind him held cardboard or similar) exempts you would s.Masken (Roto) by not if that is fast running people conceal it. That is why the Farbkey is not so super useful. And this situation would actually Roto-half the wild. There are many small mask stains, which depend not on accuracy. Not permanently in the Picture sighted person would be masked, but, if needed, the Zappelphillippe, on whose borders can look at the little respect anyway.
But: This person must - either way - in the Picture be, because they must block their views so that no Speedie diffuse through them. Either by keying or to circumvent it by masks. In
Conclusion: It is almost only the slow movement of the individual as a sensible approach.