Frage von Thomas:
I looked around me. Only Pinnacle Studio 9 is very simple. It is fun and is clear.
The seller told me that the video codec for DVD creation of Magix is far superior. But this is too complicated for me Magix surface.
I like Pinnacle Studio better, especially the Hollywood Effects.
But how true is the statement?
Can you really create a quality DVD with Pinnacle?
Is there an alternative in the codec choice?
Antwort von Peter S.:

Pinnacle Studio is notorious for its many mistakes. There are constantly new patches, but usually bring more harm than good. The MPEG-2 codec (; the need for you to create DVD) is not as the bearer of both programs - normal in this price range though.
MFG Peter
Antwort von ph:

wenns to burn iW 'authoring' / it: Ulead DVD MovieFactory is very easy to use and brings a good MPEG2 encoder of Maine with. The outdated, but very usable Version 2 was recently offered in a Saturn store s.meinem City for ¬ 10.
Antwort von Thomas:

I will make
Back on the tape only reason: Because Pinnacle is so beautiful compilation of scenes. The remainder would make Ulead.
If there is no almost no loss - is in order. Will download it and try it.
Antwort von Voltz:

The detour, back to tape and capture back, I would do only if you're not with the result really pleased. Whether this really clearly in a visible improvement in quality leads I venture to doubt.
But you have already S9. And give it a try. If you max. 60 minutes on a DVD pack, the result is pretty close s.Quellmaterial.
The current DVD MovieFactory 4 You can you the way to test (and 30-day trial) Download at Ulead.
Antwort von Thomas:

: The drain I do not quite understand. It usually goes like this: - Source Material
: Cut and final video s.Schluss
: Render as avi. This can then be avi
: - 1 play back at will to tape archive
: - 2 in an authoring prgr. Load and encode to MPEG2,
: Author and burn
: Or?
: Message
: Ph
yes I understand the
Pinnacle compile and edit.
As AVIin a File Save.
Download this with Ulead and on the DVD.
Antwort von ph:

: Then you could just use two Programs. My Panasonic has a video input. If
: I use Pinnacle and tape it back on over-playing it is not a
: Quality loss? Or?
Then I take that Ulead DVD Movie Factory and s.aufs ...
I do not quite understand the process. It usually goes like this:
- Source material cut and final video s.Schluss
render as avi. This can then be avi
- 1 play back at will to tape archive
- 2 in an authoring prgr. Load and encode to MPEG2,
author and burn
Antwort von Thomas:

: Going to burn wenns iW 'authoring' /: Ulead DVD MovieFactory is very easy to
: Use and a good MPEG2 encoder of Maine brings with. The not
: Current, but very usable Version 2 was recently in a Saturn store
: City s.meinem offered for ¬ 10.
: Message
: Ph
Then you could just use two Programs. My Panasonic has a video input. If I use Pinnacle and it back on tape to play, but it is no loss of quality? Or?
Then I take this Ulead DVD Movie Factory and s.aufs ...