Frage von hobbyfilmer:
maybe someone who has had experience with PowerDirector, the crucial tip?
In various archives, I am so far not found it.
I have the following problem:
After I PowerDirector 2.5 with my first Holiday Film have worked, I would like to function with the "Make Movie" that play back on my camcorder in AVI format. Therefore, "Record to DV tape," I mark the PP program.
Profit after rendering: It appears the note: "DV-status can not be retrieved.
It seems to me that the program camcorder (; SonyDCR-TRV 460 E) does not recognize.
My day-long research into the causes lets me give up slowly.
But maybe that's just a problem for the beginner and you know of a Rat
I would certainly be very grateful!
Antwort von Kurt:

Hi amateur filmmakers!
The camcorder side of Sonyist with me currently unavailable.
Hence the question: Are you sure that your cam has DV-IN or is unlocked?
See once in the manual of what is going on. If DV-IN available then:
Can synonymous missing a menu setting.
The inserted tape can be write protected.
Connection open, etc ...
Antwort von hobbyfilmer:

Good day Kurt,
I'm just your tip with "Scenalyser" tested - and it works!
Thank you!
Now I tried it immediately synonymous with "Pinnacle Studio 8" - synonymous works.
What setting might be the PowerDirector only wrong, so that the DV-status is not recognized?
But never mind - you've shown me a very quick way and now I can finally play on my Holiday movie.
Thanks again!
Antwort von Kurt:

Hi Martin!
I know the program not be next, some general statements.
Save your entire project as a DV from.
The Project may need to calculate the new edition before compiling (; render).
Open a new project with DV this file and add nothing and do not change.
Try to spend it.
Operates the camera with the power supply and not with the Battery.
If that does not help try the file with spending this program! There you will find a fully functional tool for DV dubbing in both directions.
As long as it is not bought a logo appears on the image but you need it temporarily so only to check the output.
That's what I think of as spontaneous.
Good night and success
Antwort von hobbyfilmer:

Hello amateur filmmakers!
: The side of Sonyist camcorder with me not currently reachable.
: Hence the question: Are you sure that your cam has DV-IN or unlocked
: Is?
: See once in the manual of what is going on. If DV-IN available then: Can one synonymous
: Settings menu is missing.
: The loaded tape can be write-protected.
: Connection open, etc ...
: Kurt
'Evening Kurt,
first thank you for your quick response - is so great.
Yes, DV-IN is available and the tape is not write-protected.
The menu settings according to manual I've done (; Recording / Pause)
The connection is via fire-wire cable.
But what lies behind your reference: "connection open ... etc"?
Martin (; hobby filmer)