Frage von SuperEngineer 64:
I sit for weeks s.einem video project and stand 5 minutes before the conclusion of the whole project. Only edit one more title. The day before the announced already so in half, but the evening it was time. From the 5 minutes, 2 hours.
Out of the blue (nothing else installed noSystem changes) spins premiere. Examples:
- Double click on a title, 30sec later it is a loaded title
- Change the position of a Objkektes is max. by 2 units
brings the program to crash almost
- After opening the project, it takes much, much longer until the
Media were invited, so no "Media Pending" more.
- Trimming of videos same period of 10 sec
- The windows 7 64 bit charging circuit is thus permanent guest.
- Export functions
- Playback works despite rendering of None
- Audio processing functions
- A problem no other project shows this. Something must
especially this Project happens to be .. Does anyone have ideas what do these signs can?
My system is of 2011, very fresh, more than sufficient. Memtest, Prime and Furmark synonymous show that it is stable.
super engineer 64
Antwort von Alf_300:

Do you have SP1 on it?
Antwort von SuperEngineer 64:

No. I'll do.
Would be confused if it would run as it was synonymous with no good.
But thank you, is sampled. :)
Antwort von Alf_300:

That Sp1 is the solution?
Would have to do that is a few days ago with Sp1 also finding that my calculator was somehow blocked. Habs, however, ignored
Antwort von Jörg:

Clear the cache and all the preview media files.
Antwort von SuperEngineer 64:

SP invites yet ...
(...) Delete all preview files. That's it. :-) There were splashing around only 10 audio and 15 video files. Were projects where there were significantly more. But apparently it is not the number of the problems inevitable.
Thank you all. :)