Frage von rubbedikatzzz:
I would like to briefly say that I have extensively used the search function but have not found it.
I use premiere pro 1.5 and wanted to export a first clip. Then get the following phenomenon. The fields are in the click to the Media Encoder, not just gray so you can click.
Then've tried ichs with nem Export to tape, but wants to not synonymous, it was the timeline is running ahead but there are on the vorschaufenst only Japanese characters or something to see on a blue background.
What can that be?
I have put much effort into the cut and now something. Hopefully someone can tell me how I can resolve this plight.
Antwort von Jörg:

the characters on a blue background tell you that you have turned off the display on screen. On the cam, the clips are likely to be present.
Enable the display in the playback settings.
Is the function one tryout version, otherwise, the media encoder.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von auktionadmin:

illegal version?
MPG encoder enabled?
Tryout version?
Antwort von rubbedikatzzz:

No annoying, it's a PURCHASED version, otherwise I would not give me any so it does not work. It was an update of 6.0 to 1.5
I think the program but not synonymous to the activation of the encoder. The with the Enable I already know from 6.0, but here I find any matching menu item.
Antwort von auktionadmin:
No annoying, it's a PURCHASED version, otherwise I would not give me any so it does not work. It was an update of 6.0 to 1.5
Believe me there is nothing that is not there!
But to activate: Go to File> Export> Adobe Media Encoder> Select MPG2-DVD> Video, click here to activate
Antwort von Jörg:

the non-media encoder must be synonymous to activate only the Mainconcept mpeg2. And the field is set to auto, if you click print on DVD.
Antwort von rubbedikatzzz:

Well great, now it hangs every time when I click to complete only to Export> Media Encoder.
I guess that my cut will probably be gone
Antwort von auktionadmin:

which you installed any codec packs?
Antwort von rubbedikatzzz:

You mean something like Trapcode "Shine" or "Steadymove. Yes I'd installed. But are these plugins in a position to block the program, then it would benefit no one?
Antwort von Jörg:

Now do not panic time. It is only your lack of experience of these major concerns.
What do you want for sure with the Media Encoder? Which format should arise, then?
Give your work erstmal out as a film. By doing this you cut the safest. Save your project under a different name, then the fear is gone. Autosave is hopefully enabled?
Then you busy with the broad guidelines of the program and exports. Thus synonymous uncertainties such as: "What is a codec (pack) and why does it look anything on my calculator too? What are plugins?" eliminated.
Gruß Jörg