Infoseite // Presented S35mm Sony camcorder NEX-FS100

Frage von Bernd E.:

Long it was expected, much has been speculated, but for now it is official: The Sony "NXCAM S35", the little brother of the PMW-F3, NEX-FS100Ein British Broadcast Distributors

Antwort von Axel:

Thanks, Bernd.
Finally a draft, after all regarded as ugly of Pana AG 101, which responds by design synonymous ;-)))


Antwort von Frank B.:

Thanks, Bernd, for the info. Perhaps it is now but noGH2 me. Let's see, carry out level where the s.Ende Prices are and how Sonydie problems with Alias | Wavefront Mayaing moire and get a grip. But I think this is about the new PMW-F3 s.der rather than based s.der NEX VG10.
By now it s.heißt save, save, save. ;)


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