Frage von Sharky:
Hello, maybe can help me here with you so someone.
Ulead itself has not yet responded to my question, and slowly I'm annoyed!
Original text of the mail s.Ulead:
After the correct start of the FB start screen, I click any button of the drop-down menus, then the error message
"Systems \ Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4.0 Deluxe \ Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4.0 \ DVDMF.exe C: \ PROGRA ~ 1 \ User \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ Temp \ ~ DMF3.ini
contains an invalid path. "
Once that window with "OK" is confirmed, "is an endless cycle of the blue search bar.
Only once is closed in the task manager the process "DVDMF.exe" splash screen appears again, and one can of new
or begin to close the program completely frustrated.
After checking the. Ini file with Notepad, I noticed the following entries:
Output Format = 1
PrjMode = 0
Action = 0
ForceToUseOptfmt = 1
Action = 1
Mode = 3
[Special Request]
ShowRegisterDB = 0
So it is by no THEPROGRAM path entry in the. Ini file, why?
Among the working folder settings in the startup screen, the following entries were made:
"C: \ Documents and Settings \ User \ Local Settings \ Temp \ Projects"
Since I have found in Internet forums are also not a solution to my problem, I ask you
give me an indication to where the fault might lie.
The path of the hand. Ini-register file would probably the solution can not but
his right path, since there is apparently a software bug?
Antwort von hannes:

FB4 runs flawlessly for me.
However, there is no calculator on my DMF3.INI
But once the extinguishing rename (or, if you're not sure)
If at the start to be rebuilt.
Good luck from Essen
Antwort von Blauermann:

what do you think of it: my start up screen keeps crashing s.Probleme with Macromedia Flash
Have the program as a skin. Exe found and created a Vernküpfung ..
Antwort von Sharky:
FB4 runs flawlessly for me.
However, there is no calculator on my DMF3.INI
But once the extinguishing rename (or, if you're not sure)
If at the start to be rebuilt.
Good luck from Essen
hannes Hello Hannes,
the with the. ini I have already repeatedly versucht.Sie is created anew each time in the \ Temp folder when the program starts.
Thanks anyway for the tip
Antwort von Sharky:
what do you think of it: my start up screen keeps crashing s.Probleme with Macromedia Flash
Have the program as a skin. Exe found and created a Vernküpfung .. Hello Blauermann,
So the problem of the crash, so there is not with me.
:-((" Only it does not work at ":-((
De-and complete reinstallation of the program has not helped the way synonymous.
Antwort von StefanS:
"Systems \ Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4.0 Deluxe \ Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4.0 \ DVDMF.exe C: \ PROGRA ~ 1 \ User \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ Temp \ ~ DMF3.ini
contains an invalid path. "
After checking the. Ini file with Notepad, I noticed the following entries:
Output Format = 1
PrjMode = 0
Action = 0
ForceToUseOptfmt = 1
Action = 1
Mode = 3
[Special Request]
ShowRegisterDB = 0
Among the working folder settings in the startup screen, the following entries were made:
"C: \ Documents and Settings \ User \ Local Settings \ Temp \ Projects"
Although FB4 on my old box running smoothly so far, I've ever tried to understand what happened.
In addition to the ~ dmf3.ini is applied only at the start of the project in the Temp folder, the files are still
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ dfa26c.tmp
~ dfa2b8.tmp
My ~ dmf3.ini looks exactly like yours.
One difference I find in me, however, and although the setting for the working folder. It says to me in the preferences of my not yet adapted to the path
"C: \ Documents and Settings \ Stefan \ My Documents \ Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4.0 Deluxe \"
In an earlier version, I had adapted to and simply placed on a video of my partitions, eg "C: \ Temp"
Could it be that referred to in your working folder setting folder does not exist?
Antwort von Sharky:

Hello Stefan,
Thanks for the tip, but it is definitely not it.
But I guess times quite strong, the FB4 does not come with my multi-boot system clear (different C: \ ... so far)!
I had forgotten to mention this, so Win98 on C partition, Prof. WinXP on D: \.
Then there is the peculiarity that if W98 boot, this disk as C: detected \ wird.Ich have installed a trial basis before W98 frustrating times on the FB4 and behold, it funzt!
When I think about boats, but the boot manager on WinXP Prof, this partition is read as synonymous C: \ (!!!), häääääääää ?????? And not as D: \ as it might have been expected wäre.Ich guess that is the problem, so the Proggi on WinXP is not working!
I will install it once on another "normal" PC, let's see if it works then ??!!( must hold serve the laptop, Win XP Home)
Oh, another thing, the support of Ulead has still not been expressed to my question mail, is quite great! Already have vacation time, or no idea of the frustration of the "simple" PC users ???!!!
Gruezi s.euch all