Infoseite // Problems with Asus Eee 901 and *. MP4 Videos

Frage von swissrotor:

My Asus Eee does not have the leadership to MP4 with 50fps movies with WMP running the show. The Eee is on its way thought the films of the GoPro view
WMP player is the only player that plays at all in some measure something.
Is there a way the films without processing in a stripped-down form of a look?
WMP works with ffdshow, maybe can be done about what?

Thanks and regards


Antwort von B.DeKid:

I say NO now fixed times - with the little things is not really much. Especially in the play of HD material presented as often Probs. (If you have videos on Vimeo synonymous with already established)

B. DeKid


Antwort von swissrotor:

Oh crap!

but if anyone was looking ...


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