Frage von joe115:
Has ever jemdand successful projects, with the premiere version 5.1. were created in the Pro 2.0 is imported? In any case I get an error message that the project file would be broken, without specifying where accurate and why. And with several old projects, so I exclude a genuine mistake.
Newer, with Premiere 6.0 project files can be created without error, at least be imported.
Every tip is welcome.
Gruß Joe
Antwort von joe115:

Problem solved. Self is the man
Prem Pro 2.0 is actually the 5.1 project files are not read. So a VM XPSP1 up with Premiere 6.5 installed and - in order to make it around - synonymous to the DV500 Driver v4.5. If properly installed, even though the card is of course not physically in the host still in the VM's inside.
And lo and behold: the old 5.1. Project could be properly opened. And even better: 6.5 after saving and then synonymous with Pro 2.0 open.