Infoseite // Question relating to: Working with the Letus Extreme

Frage von Budoudo:


I have the following question:

I NEED to shoot with the Letus Extreme in conjunction with a Sony camera so a good display with peaking (offers), nevertheless an external monitor?

Perhaps someone could with the Letus and Sonyarbeitet, tell me his experience. This would greatly help me.

Thank you very much.



Antwort von lxRox:

.. follow focus is something else ....


Antwort von Budoudo:

"lxRox" wrote: .. follow focus is something else ....

Yes yes I know, have only the title is misspelled. But already should be properly understood to be ^ ^



Antwort von Axel:

We use the Letus Extreme and SonyEX-3 (~ 10 cm at ~ 900,000 edition) without an external monitor, synonymous for Schärfeziehen during the recording. The display of this camera is relatively large. We are synonymous, the Canon XH-A1 (~ 7cm at ~ 200,000), and the display is small, barely enough for adapter-sharpness. You do not mention what camera you own.

The edited "errors" with the follow focus will be staged work but the right tip: To measure a clear focus, highlight, draw on the marker. The second tip: Buy the debate on big screen / bzw. Laptop to test. Both together is fail-safe. Assessment and live Schärfeziehen by eye, synonymous with peaking, however, implies a relatively high proportion s.unbrauchbaren shots. A single frame, which is located one next to it, ruins everything.


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