Infoseite // Reverse battery SonyVX for 2100 does not work

Frage von CMOS:

Have just two replica batteries at Ebay ordered, the original battery of the type NPF 960 to replace.
When I got it s.Montag, I noticed that one worked, the other did not. The message on the display reads "Only for lithium battery only. The other is working properly. Remaining shop display after 600 minutes.
I then had with the company in conjunction set today and have promptly obtain replacement.
Thus, the new Battery've just tried, and it is again the same.
Does not.
Has one sowas synonymous already had? Batteries of three identical and one goes the other not?

Please help!


Antwort von Bernd E.:

"CMOS" wrote: Batteries of three identical and one goes the other not?
Batteries may come from different deliveries? When I last year on the same search was shared with me a dealer, not even he knew what he each of his suppliers to acquire ...

Gruß Bernd E.


Antwort von CMOS:

Hi Bernd.

I almost fear that thou hast fairly.
Batteries have just dismantled and found that, when functioning Battery board looks a bit different and has a few more pins than the other two.
Furthermore, on the good battery Batteries 2006-1220 and 2007-0112 for the other.
Since the dog will probably be buried.
The electronics do not play with.

Thanks anyway.


Antwort von paulpope:

Mainly it was LOW-COST!


Antwort von Bernd E.:

"Anonymous" wrote: Mainly it was LOW-COST!
At a price difference of 1:6 and more is probably the largest brand synonymous trailer into mystery, whether it be an original. The only battery that I ever mind prematurely abandoned, was actually a Sony Battery - cheap replicas work smoothly ...

Gruß Bernd E.


Antwort von Peter06:

What is the battery on the original top?
The replica batteries need the same info chip so that they work (eg chip info P).


Antwort von Markus:

"CMOS" wrote: Has one sowas synonymous already had? Batteries of three identical and one goes the other not?
Yes, I know something. In my case, the contact surfaces of the battery a little dirty (residues from the manufacturing process?) So that the Info-Chip with no adequate communication with the camcorder was able to absorb.

In the Bedienungsanleitzung the camcorder is the way, describes what you should do if a battery - of course an original - not be recognized as such: Batteries of the contact surfaces clean. Perhaps?


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