Frage von Hanzo:
Hallo erstmal all together,
just doing school and would like to create short films that are good quality. Unfortunately, I have a budget of 500 ¬ and buy myself a camera too.
Can you recommend me some cameras that are good and cheap?
Many thanks in advance
mfg Hanzo
Antwort von rtzbild:

... would like to create short films, the good quality
Hello hanzo,
You should always get any camera over 15cm in length, is all about, is not suitable for short films.
Otherwise, you provide this forum under the heading of "purchase advice" rather comprehensive assistance.
Achso, and Wide Angleverwenden, no long focal lengths!
Gruß Olli o))
* * Feature-length films
Antwort von rush:

The answer should be rather loud, pick you a few Euronen for a tripod to ... ;) For the best digital camera you no good if you've only got eh s.end blurred images. and especially in 'short-film nem is sowas will certainly not unimportant, I'd think ... but you know, perhaps even scho ... .
the light factor will always play a non-synonymous to differing roll! it gets too dark, most of them go into the knee-cams quickly, as is the tone;)
actual purchase decision, I can not give you might try simply Sieben times in the shop or in the trade magazine test results compare ... da gibts doch constantly tests ... and synonymous in the net .. ma googling
or synonymous here in the forum ... Others
Antwort von jens:

You should always get any camera over 15cm in length, is all about, is not suitable for short films.
Aside of all the convenience - how do you justify that?
Greetings, Jens
Antwort von rtzbild:

You should always get any camera over 15cm in length, is all about, is not suitable for short films.
Aside of all the convenience - how do you justify that?
Greetings, Jens By s.end Schmeilie!
> Gruß Olli o))
Gruß Olli
* Day off against his will: Seminar canceled: o (*
Antwort von jens:

Well if that's not a good argument once ;-)
Antwort von Markus:

Repeat after me is just feeling ;-)
The question of the right camcorder ...
Antwort von tomster:

Hi! for sale if interested: hab noch ne mini-DV camera (JVC GR-DV1), with interest phantomfies [a]
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

So I know that the 1CCPs of Canon are very good in the price field. In most cases, even with real (anamorphic!) 16:9!
Love Greetings
Antwort von jens:
... that 1CCPs of Canon ...
Hi Constantin, nothing is further from me than klugzuscheißen but because you have written in recent times have often:
It is called
CC D CC Liebe Grüße, Jens
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Oh * gg *
Thanks Jens, I really thought that CCP is, thank you, really ^ ^
CCD chip:
Engl abbreviation for Charged Coupled Devices (charge-coupled semiconductor elements). An arrangement of tiny light-sensitive elements (CCD elements, photodiodes) on a chip. CCD will be in digital cameras, scanners, etc. used. Other names include: image sensor, sensor chip, recording chip. [/ quote]