Infoseite // Sound in the whole sequence to make quieter Final Cut Pro

Frage von susy:


What is the difference between dBFS and dB?


Antwort von Axel:

dB (analog) can override if they 0 "exceed". Digital, "dBFS," is "0" containing the absolute zero, which may not be achieved. Have you recorded analog sound ("tape"), to go where only the peaks above 0, the sound after the digitization is sometimes okay. As far as the practice, as the ratio of the two levels are constructed, I can say but not synonymous.

A filter that the peaks (and thus the entire volume) moves below a of you chosen value is the "limiter": If your sound mostly louder than the limit value, it will work more quietly, he is mostly quiet, he will contribute nothing but . A "compressor" stresses, in addition to the quieter tones down to a lower value (subjective, everything is louder). All audio-actions can be served better in Soundtrack Pro.


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