Frage von alibaba:
hats anyone ever tried to test'm gonna go with the existing data 7D CF card with the demo.
Currently I still going to do about what Cineform synonymous ever brings something, then cut ProRes for final.
Much more interesting, of course, would be the HDMI Recording.
Antwort von koji:

you encoded twice?
So Cineform-7D-Prores?
that seems to me not particularly useful.
The Syndicate tool I have a few weeks ago but views of lugging a laptop every time the camera is with me a bit too tedious.
Since my 7D than enough to Cineform ... while the other will certainly be better.
Antwort von alibaba:

yes twice, I can not cut CineForm cf liquid.
you know?
I have unfortunately not synonymous hdmi capture card for uncompressed 1620 x 910 4:2:2 Chroma HDMI signal recorded directly and to walk, so I want only times the conversion / interpolation directly test map of the cf in 4:4:4, but I am unfortunately not yet happened.
Antwort von koji:

HDMI capture I did not synonymous ... unfortunately. So I can not test synonymous.
I work with the 7D material only at home and so I have Edius - and thus basically no problems in the cut.
7D and Cineform in Final Cut Pro, I've never tried ... no clue how it does.