Infoseite // Terms synonymous in English?

Frage von popaj:


I am planning a small DVD shop (Page in German and English) aufzumachen.

Do I have the AGB synonymous in English or write enough synonymous in German?

Thank you.


Antwort von Pixelorkan:

I would both languages. Ready AGBs usually get you in your specialist representation in the Chamber of Commerce (as in D, I now know is not)


Antwort von Gast007:

If the Page is synonymous in English you have 100% of the synonymous terms in English set. because, a source of English-speaking buyers know what is inside.


Antwort von Pianist:

You need absolutely no GTC. Neither German nor English.



Antwort von popaj:

@ pianist

do you mean?

I have a couple of similar shops and the views are which.

It is a DVD download Shop and DVD sales.


Antwort von Pianist:

"popaj" wrote: I have a couple of similar shops and the views are which.
You should not go beyond what others have. Others are synonymous "disclaimer" on their pages, which regularly with a ruling by the Landgericht Hamburg company, which is obviously hardly anyone has read and understood.

Fact is: In the BGB is s.sich everything. If you would like to have additional rules, then there are very strict limits. Especially in relation to retail. If you want to have their own Terms, let them set up of a lawyer. Policies themselves are only meant to allow the customers across the table to draw.



Antwort von Pixelorkan:

matthias stupid question ... you use EB as a cameraman not synonymous Terms such as "Team Rental Terms under editorial contributions"? Here in Austria there are at least ... or if you have a Imagefilm turn? Then the AGB synonymous but your basic treaty ...


Antwort von Pianist:

"Anonymous" wrote: matthias stupid question ... you use EB as a cameraman not synonymous Terms such as "Team Rental Terms under editorial contributions"? Here in Austria there are at least ... or if you have a Imagefilm turn? Then the AGB synonymous but your basic treaty ...
No.. There are quite autonomous all eligible laws: the Civil Code, the Copyright Act and so next. So there is absolutely no additional regulatory requirements. As I said in my previous business years, 14 companies in any single dispute was involved, I think my method is correct:

Section 1 You say what you want.

Section 1a If you do not know what you want: I tell you what you need.

§ 2 I write your offer.

§ 3 you mail me or fax signed contract.

§ 4 I will make good work for you.

§ 5 bill you pay on time.

Ancillary Section 6 are not taken.

It's all very simple, has always worked.



Antwort von Pixelorkan:

yes, surely, because thou hast recht. but in general terms, the relevant laws and "clauses" inside directly together, without you by dozens of legal texts must be torture.
I had, thank God, no litigation nor synonymous, but I must say that I am very customer-friendly;)

eg: cancellation of the contract by the customer, bad weather, terms of payment ...



Antwort von Pianist:

"Anonymous" wrote: yes, surely, because thou hast recht. but in general terms, the relevant laws and "clauses" inside directly together, without you by dozens of legal texts must be torture.
Enjoy quite safe formulation. Can you forget everything, only makes problems. And above all, the majority of contracting their own purchasing conditions and oppose sweeping all GTC its suppliers.

Concentrate you prefer to what you've written a second: customer friendliness. If you where good with clear and always comes a bit more to make than you should, then you have a stone in which the board and then there are no problems synonymous, if you really have a rotation due to heavy rain and must cancel as yet a little money would like to have.

In addition, you should always so generously calculate that small uncertainties journeys can not discuss.



Antwort von Pixelorkan:

stimmt. a point for you;). with transmitters but I believe there are the fewest problems. I have my agbs still on my hp, anyway, they are formulated of the lawyers in the Association of Agriculture.


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