Infoseite // Terratec Cameo 200 Grabster

Frage von Starfire2009:


have the problem that I get to run my 200 Cameo Grabster not s.meinem desktop computer. Hardware side everything is fine on my laptop It runs perfectly synonymous.

But on my desktop computer just no picture. The desktop PC has only USB 2.0 ports. I have installed the USB Drivers synonymous new and the latest drivers of the Cameo.

On my desktop running Win XP Prof, all Service Packs, Drivers .. to-date

That makes me mad to have to build each time the laptop just to check times to release the Camera ...

Can give me a tips for troubleshooting?



Antwort von srone:

how often you have the terratec drivers installed? cases in such a (multiple installations) helps actually to remove only the terratectreiber, restarted the search to dig registry manually according terratec, cameo, and all registry keys with this whatsoever name, then reboot reinstall and then again restart, then connect the video grabber.




Antwort von Starfire2009:

Yes, I've obviously installed the drivers several times. I think five times or so. In any case, I was busy with ne for some time to remove the entries.

So, uninstalled, cleaned of hand Reg, restarted, current Drivers (3.05) installed. New start. connected Cameo, was recognized synonymous lasted a moment longer.

But unfortunately still no picture ... Just black ...


Antwort von srone:

well, now you have at least one error-free installation, so we can rule out as bad.
what I can think of would be incompatible graphic card or graphic card drivers, card ie what notebook? ? Driver version which desktop card? ? Driver version Just check times. under premiere cs4 with ati card for example, there were problems with the newer ATI drivers s.vers 8.9 upwards, maybe will help an older driver version to resolve this problem.




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