Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Test: test: CANON EOS 5D MK2: Lowlight-sharpness-Ass with a straitjacket of rob - 11 Mar 2009 20:04:00 > The Canon 5D DSLR is the second in the league of HD video-capable digital SLR cameras. And from the data since it promises to do everything better than the Nikon D90 Competition: Full-frame sensor, H264 encoding, stereo recording, external input and much more micro - worth the additional expenditure for the Canon 5D MKII in video production ?
Antwort von Zizi:

Geiler Test ..
But the Lowlight test pictures with the 1.4er would Comparison determined to not have been a problem or is it too embarrassing for the / rauschig?
So in Lowlight with the Kid Lens I like the XH A1 better.
But with a 2.8er or 1.2er and it is almost unbelievable!
Antwort von rob:

Hi Zizi,
Thanks for your feedback.
The Lowlight Test Shots is about the best possible comparability of the individual themselves. We have therefore decided fairly early on, only the kit lens to test. If we start with an a bsp. Lowlight Lens better suited to take the others also want those sharper or counterproductive or delete this verzeichnungsärmere Optics tested and the already difficult to realize comparability is even less where.
Since this is a fairly weak light standard zoom that we wanted to at least a reference to the possibility of a much stronger light Optics give ...
Many greetings
Antwort von the_flasher:

So if you test durchliest remembers you very much that there is much potential for improvement is available.
For example, I am very excited about what Canon's answer to the Panasonic Lumix DMC GH1 will be.
The Panasonic has not such a big sensor, but many features of the Canon 5D Mark 2 very lacking.
- Folding Display
- Adjustable aperture, shutter speed, iso when shooting
- Autofocus
one can in any case curious
Antwort von Stonehorn:

I find the development very well! Soon there will be a very good DSLR or prosumer digicams with excellent video feature. In terms of the small luminous HD Cams clearly superior!
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

I wonder what the test was not what I already knew?
Apart from the old bug that ISO allegedly can not adjust, and was simply just not true. In Tv mode, the ISO never exceeded the preset limit, so the ISO is so adjustable. The authors of the tests, unfortunately, lacks the necessary experience.
Antwort von Zizi:

@ MB:
Yes and no .. So correctly, I can not! When it is very dark is my camera to ISO 3200 and I can then synonymous with the RAD and synonymous TV etc. nothing more about it! (Oh yes in the video there is no ISO 6400 as it is mentioned in the test?) The only thing that still can adjust the exposure?
Somehow this is very complex and totally made of verblödet Canon ..
I get my results but this does not make sense all these functions?
Canon times I'll write an email and ask what it is and whether there are improvements with the update there?.
Just as Canon's support, however, I know I will get only when the Realease Mark3 an answer ..
@ Rob:
So the Kid Lens makes me really evil extreme Lowlight pictures ..
There is ¬ 700 cheaper Tamron 28-75mm 2.8 for worlds better!
Etc. The EX1 has focal length of the test I'm appreciative synonymous with an opening of 3.0? So yes wärs unger rather then for the 5D?
So the KID is, in my view, a useful photo lens, but no video ..
Here are my Tetsbilder. .
XH A1:
the 1.4er
Antwort von PowerMac:

Oh great, finally I see Zizis toothpaste.
Antwort von Zizi:

What you see is a tube of wasabi ...
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
@ MB:
Yes and no .. So correctly, I can not! When it is very dark is my camera to ISO 3200 and I can then synonymous with the RAD and synonymous TV etc. nothing more about it! (Oh yes in the video there is no ISO 6400 as it is mentioned in the test?) The only thing that still can adjust the exposure?
Somehow this is very complex and totally made of verblödet Canon ..
I get my results but this does not make sense all these functions?
Of course you can adjust the ISO, but only with manual and Optics in Fashion Tv. Completely stress free. We had the cam for the first time in two weeks daily in serious use and are thus actually came wonderfully clear. The thumb wheel gives you a combination of ISO and shutter, but never goes over the preset value ISO.
And why not in video mode to ISO 6400 at all, my lights do not synonymous. I've been with ISO 25600 test shoots done at full moon.
The only thing that unfortunately can not set, the shutter speed. But that can reasonably live, because I assume that those in the dark anyway at 1 / 30 is only for brightness and shorter, when the ISO is not deep enough.
Antwort von Zizi:
Of course you can adjust the ISO, but only with manual and Optics in Fashion Tv. How I do it then the camera never to ISO 3200 worth the switch?
If I do everything like you described and the rad down completely turn modifies only the exposure time remains at 3200 ;-(
And what did the ISO with the Manual Lens to do?
Oh how you cut?
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

How I do it then the camera never to ISO 3200 worth the switch?
If I do everything like you described and the rad down completely turn modifies only the exposure time remains at 3200 ;-(
In the first sentence you write, that it never switches on ISO3200, the second you write that always remains with ISO3200.
Was denn nun?
You're confusing me ...
Antwort von Zizi:

I think that if it is very dark, I can with the wheel does not rotate at 3200 .. ;-(
because the camera only shortened the exposure time was in anbedracht of the noise is not wanted!
Well, I try everything through times today .. at the moment so I have only 1 manual Lens (Zenitar 16mm) .. what are you using for what?
I know: old Nikkor but what?
Thanks in advance ..
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
I think that if it is very dark, I can with the wheel does not rotate at 3200 .. ;-( No, but the ISO to 1600 are simple.
Well, I try everything through times today .. at the moment so I have only 1 manual Lens (Zenitar 16mm) .. what are you using for what?
I know: old Nikkor but what?
Thanks in advance .. Zenitar? This can perhaps be ants in the summer on the road verbrutzeln, but not on film! ;)
I use only HiSpeed optics, eg 24/2.0, 35/1.4, 55/1.2, 85/1.4, and for the super-WW-and super-telephoto range even 2.8er. As times have to stop a few thousand euros for optics on the table, it's so.
Antwort von Zizi:
Zenitar? This can perhaps be ants in the summer on the road verglühen leave, but not on film! What should s.dem auszusetzten be?
Stronger light Fisheyse does not exist .. processing is well and everything manually adjustable .. For Still Image s.den blurred edges maybe but for
The video 5D in my eyes, very recommendable!
What do you mean Hoghspeed optics?
So now I have only the Zenitar a 50mm 1.4er and the Tamron 28-75mm 2.8 ..
I'm very satisfied with all but 2.8 is really the ceiling .. everything else is too dark / rauschig!
With what you've cut me still does not reveal .. ;-)
No, but the ISO to 1600 are simple. That is not!? Who I am completely in dark rooms turn is only ISO 3200, or because what I've overlooked?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Under high light optics is Strong Lenses that you allow for shorter exposure modes to take pictures, almost all under 2.8 Lenses are meant. (Exceptions are extreme telephoto lenses, or WW.)
With Zenitar or zenith, one can indeed work well, but synonymous ants away ;-) bruzzeln price performance after the moderate view is recommended.
B. DeKid
PS: Bzgl folding screen, one can determine the emperor of Zig View s.der EOS used.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

With Zenitar or zenith, one can indeed work well, but synonymous ants away ;-) bruzzeln price performance after the moderate view is recommended.
After the tests to judge them only suitable for Ameisenquälen, so I do not synonymous fetched. Especially in WW I find the edge sharpness important at Tele schnurz it, but in WW but everything is sharp and looks as s.grauenvollsten from CA.
With what you've cut me still does not reveal .. ;-)
I do not cut. I let cut;) With Final Cut Pro.
That is not!? Who I am completely in dark rooms turn is only ISO 3200, or because what I've overlooked? You can just the ISO to the maximum setting and everything is good. Do not know where your problem lies ?!?!?
Antwort von Zizi:
You can just the ISO to the maximum setting In the menu? or where? "
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
You can just the ISO to the maximum setting
In the menu? or where? " You want to avoid me, right? At ISO button!
Antwort von Zizi:
You want to avoid me, right? At ISO button!
No. .. Sry but I know in any case how in the dark Scenes under the ISO 3200 brings? if I'm in LiveView mode because I can rotate and press what I want because changing only the number left on the top of the screen so the exposure is always the ISO to 3200?
Only when light is you can easily adjust ISO .. !
The ISO button (2 of top right) responded in the LV garnicht!
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
You want to avoid me, right? At ISO button!
No. .. Sry but I know in any case how in the dark Scenes under the ISO 3200 brings? if I'm in LiveView mode because I can rotate and press what I want because changing only the number left on the top of the screen so the exposure is always the ISO to 3200?
Only when light is you can easily adjust ISO .. !
The ISO button (2 of top right) responded in the LV garnicht! I have slowly suspect that I've ne firmware has otherwise None. Does my cameraman synonymous ever suspected. What version do you have ne? Is there a tool to read out the firmware? Then I would for the rest of the world somewhere post.
Antwort von deti:

MENU -> Third wrench icon
Fimware Ver. XYZ
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

I thought the binary content, not the number.
Antwort von Zizi:

So I have the 1.0.7 and yes this is the latest to be synonymous?
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Exactly, and I .6. Was pretty much one of the first.
Antwort von Zizi:

an update will bring improvements yes .. nice slow me Canon is always unsympatischer!
Where can I get to the 6 come from?
Antwort von alibaba:

Is everything but fell as soon as you no other shutter than 1 / 30 at high ISO are given.
And when it's too bright you need is just NEN ND when Aperture will have far to go otherwise the shutter high but since you do not drum rum.
is harmless but I will always have the 1 / 60 or 1 / 80 shutter synonymous with iso 3200th
Zizi hey you're in movie mode is not in simulation mode or exposure? mach ma exposure compensation in the dark on the right that is very very high, then directed the cam on your objective and press the * key to attract jetz hast thou iso maneuver on the rear wheel, more manual setting options give you can not synonymous your phone before the fair and then lure.
In the imaging simulation mode (+ manual Optics with TV), you can make a setting synonymous, then lure and what he sees taking the exposure of her synonymous exactly as the simulation used only the video but other values so that you can arrange as I find.
Antwort von Zizi:
I will always have the 1 / 60 or 1 / 80 shutter synonymous with ISO 3200 Why?
I would love you as the ISO s.1600 stop so what can not be at my works! ;-(
Antwort von alibaba:

the shutter is in the instance where the 3200 show anyway on 1 / 30 so if you turn s.der exposure correction changes only the iso.
Antwort von alibaba:

@ marc
you make in the exp. sim. mode, modus tv with manual or lenses?
you have a chip s.adapter?
if so what does this, he only confirmed the focus or deceives a solid front panel?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Mark
There are USB Monitor analysis tools to read the USB protocol and synonymous to the part of the flash. (For backup and Service Solutions so what you need)
Progi What exactly was it yesterday, too late for me to do this to find out.
The question remains whether the synonymous downgrade of the Cam is .6 to .7.
But the information regarding Firmewear is VERY interesting.
B. DeKid
Antwort von alibaba:

I had at that time synonymous the 1.0.6 firmware on it and thought synonymous clearly goes as far as everything fits in with a manual optic cable. sim. mode.
because it is simply so what you see is what you get
I then of course because of the black dots on 1.0.7 upgraded thought initially synonymous clearly goes ales as before, then I bissl more rumexperementiert me forward and ventilator gehockt, NEN higher shutter set and locked, the movement in the display was to intake equal to the shutter button when I had set the exposure was still the same but the shutter definitely different.
but that is not the only problem:
if I am back in the bel. sim. 'm moderate and a certain exposure RESTRICT, then adjusts the display car, when I entered the dark Schwenke, although I fixed iso and shutter values have adjusted.
Unfortunately, when I've never tried the 1.0.6, so I think the mark with its firmware to try again, then we can be safe.
So einfach mal ne exposure settings (not lure) and then look if this iwie aufm display changes when the light changes, a lamp should then be totally overexposed ausm when dark comes and the display can not adjust.
Antwort von alibaba:

mensch dirk hilger
Antwort von meawk:

what a luck that I have this crutch not bought. . .
but somehow ne geile cam, canon employed as at least the community and it will never be boring - just sensible film, you can sadly not so.
somehow laughing the 2009th . .
Antwort von alibaba:

It behaves in my opinion, completely different.
This Cam has the largest absolute potential, that is why sound is not from the discussions.
Even the upcoming GH1 is not so interesting. At least for me.
But you just lie to you even if I watch your videos and then you say you could deal with the Camera will do you the one time the shutter so that you are extremely disturbed by the artificial light will be totally put you off the Focus and by Rolling Shutter times not to speak.
I think everything you can not properly assess objectively, right?
Perhaps it is simply better for you with D90 or GH1 coming to work?
Canon has it with this camera at least very close s.das done what I want.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

@ Alibaba
When I cam back and have had time (the latter is slightly more difficult), I check the times. Otherwise, simply do not respond to meawk when he goes somewhere mitschreibt each thread s.absurdum, there is no constructive posts of him. After the last massive deletions of his posts from the moderators, it amazes me that the user name here is still there.
Otherwise, no, do not chip in, and yes, Exposure simulation display mode.
Antwort von Zizi:

Yes the Meawk is already a figure which was best ignored!
I think he is such a type which the MARK2 joy s.seiner 90D vertorben has ...
Perhaps you read the test at times by the Slashcam actually pretty much brings everything to the point.
Yesterday I am my Velbon 7000 abgekackt and now looking for an alternative for the 5D, one has an idea? stands for or what do you use?
Logischerwiese for movies ..
Antwort von meawk:

na - now responding but not always so pitted. so just give it to that synonymous dissatisfied with her since the crutch. I give you the cam yet. I'm glad that I have no money to put into the hand did - more and no less I've expressed here. the cam is an unfinished games and therefore with regard to the video mode very doubtful and almost unusable. in any case the purpose is very limited, due to the defect. photograph - of which we speak here is not, otherwise I would have the cam so praised.
So - do not sulk and whine, bombarded times prefer canon, so that what to do, guys, because otherwise wailed her here more rum for years, until the successor, the 5 d III appears.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Yes the Meawk is already a figure which was best ignored!
I think he is such a type which the MARK2 joy s.seiner 90D vertorben has ...
Perhaps you read the test at times by the Slashcam actually pretty much brings everything to the point. It is not about reading, it's about dead and can do. While some think everything is not sit so long in the other heli and make night shots or when filming Available Light in the streets at night.
All DPs I know, and by that I do not over-Metzger retired previously and were now in the Ruhr area and walk to first deal with moving, are excited of the Cam. For the distributors, the 5D is no half-day forum, are scarce, Canon comes with the production is not behind. This condition is of LA to Munich the same, whereas I use a D90 neither here nor on the other continent so far discovered in the portfolio.
That is a fact, and that speaks more clearly than any Language Depp here ever could do. So simple is this
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Zizi
Manfrotto sample The x055 should be enough - for your 5d and the XHA1
B. DeKid
Antwort von Zizi:
Manfrotto sample The x055 should be enough - for your 5d and the XHA1 Well to this carbon bekomm I loose again Velbon 7000 and called by thy Manfrotto is not even a head is?
I was actually with the Velbon 7000 very happy and used it for projects öffter as a 10x Sachtler so expensive!
I am looking for a really good tripod for less than 200 ¬ synonymous times what you can take while hiking!
According to the Video Active wär Manfrotto Classic Mini RC 190/700 is the best for the price (180 ¬) or maybe back on 7000?
But that fits not to thread .. we remain in the 5d ;-)
Antwort von meawk:

MB, you should be rentner serene but not always react and others here in the forum of bashing, etc. you are a pflegel, though already retired. you have at hand metzger remain - I think. Other than to describe depp is your level of course - just pflegel!
those where the 5d II because of its blatant shortcomings and may not like their opinion on this can be known and are therefore still not long Depp, but people that are critical s.die crutch rang deal. therefore, again, the 5d II is the current delivered to the filming only conditionally suitable, more of a toy with a never going to end shortages story.
you're offended, pitted, because you're money for this crutch've spent - that the critics of the 5d II now nothing, on the contrary, they are küger than you, what are waiting for the better, then what does synonymous.
So listen with your prattle on and go out filming with the crutch - get your own evidence. . .
In addition, the 5d II has now become the guardian for loading, in any case at the dealers I know and they are not few.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
MB, you should be rentner but serene respond ..... . . Brave, courageous - I seh s quasi hike in OT - /
Ai Zizi I thought it was aware that there is no header.
For hiking I've Carbon Tripods Manfrotto series of which are GEIL! ;-)
Also GEIL is GorillaPod of, for always there to really recommend.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Zizi:

Gorilla Pod I've been a .. things are fine allerdingst nothing to film!
I was with such fluid head .. werd ich mir glaub ich nochmal buy the 7000 .. or the above mentioned Manfrotto.
Pans succeed with me since almost equally good as with a Sachtler ..
Antwort von B.DeKid:

K ;-) - Zizi do so - I've Manfrotto 501 HDV heads for the VideoCams who suck. (For me)
B. DeKid
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
MB, you should be rentner but serene respond ..... . .
Brave, courageous - I seh s quasi hike in OT - /
LOL, but obviously he can not, look after it. Just ignore it.
Antwort von alibaba:

my cam fits in tv mode (which is synonymous to the spirit eig this mode) a non-existing folders (because manual optik) s.and darken the image s.oder illuminates when it is too dark (it is even so that if I locke and then press always receptive to the same values in the movie display mode are displayed in the press release, it seems a digital darkening or illumination of the displays to take place, the cam then synonymous actually absorbs it, except I take very extreme value, eg, iso h2 and shutter 30 "or agree to pardon, then the displayed values are different), but it is the only serious possibility, in which the automatic cam action.
If, for example, in a very dark environment the camera chooses a high ISO noise associated with high, I now turn to the camera 30 "and the highest ISO value with certainty, I have the highest and the lowest iso shutter speed, of this extreme value must be I am now away to my image to reduce noise.
I think once you at LOW Light ISO no higher than 3200 and not under Shutter 1 / 30 setting is found on the secure page, probably in TV mode with Manual Exposure Simulation and Optics.
One would only have to understand exactly what the camera makes, till now, I'm still not quite durchgestiegen.
Antwort von Zizi:
I think once you at LOW Light ISO no higher than 3200 and not under Shutter 1 / 30 ISO 3200 is already the highest ISO value in the video and roars ungehäuerlich ... !
Antwort von schunck:

This gibts / gabs mal a nice video tutorial on Vimeo ... Quite as simple as it seems, however, not yet ... The ISO so you can not adjust, so you have to artificially brighten or darken to the desired values and results to come ... However, as synonymous with a "value-approximation technique. Everything rather sub-optimal, but I like my Mark II anyway;)
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

People, I'm afraid you should ne other firmware you up, for me it's not the case. I can easily adjust ISO and 3200 is almost synonymous noise-free, except there are many details in the blackening + Picture (Panorama City at night), then dance the horizon, because the codec is overwhelmed. I can synonymous filming in ISO 25600, there is no limit.
The pictures are simply amazing and the handling is absolutely bearable, because as you said yes, everything except the shutter can be set, but is 1 / 30, when the thumb wheel completely to the right moves, is synonymous controllable. A scene is reasonable to expose with little exercise, all in all, a matter of seconds and thus just as fast as with a so-called "real" video camera.
Get 1.0.6!
Antwort von alibaba:

If I am Fashion Exp Sim synonymous, I can adjust what I want, but these values can not be true, or maybe?
Hab now again with his experiments, the chip has NEN and the exposure will not change, In fact it does so in a certain extent, it can reproduce previous values, which is the most important is eig.
Ich glaub ich habs out soon.
If this setting when Mark synonymous should go without wär cool course!
I regret it almost have to be updated.
Antwort von Zizi:
Get 1.0.6! Yes like where?
When I listen to me so I really think I have another camera in my backpack ... ;-(
Antwort von alibaba:

with chip's definitely been times
Antwort von meawk:

your considerations / alleged findings are pure fantasy or wishful thinking of the proud owners, a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, so imaginative thinking / - on the judgmental adjustments. nothing you can adjust with security, that is fakt, it's all just an unproven conjecture Freudian way of thinking with regard to the cam.
MB can adjust almost everything he had "oberfirmeware", all others have the wrong firmware. . . ich lach mich kaputt. welcome to the club. . .
guys - I had the cam many times in the hand than most of the proud neubesitzer and they have heart and kidney tested. the most sensible of you seem to me to be still Alibaba - all others give only unproved Handling and their alleged impact of it.
Alibaba and I quote: "If I am Fashion Exp Sim synonymous, I can adjust what I want, but these values can not be true, or maybe?" no, these values are not real, which believes the only synonymous MB.
there is virtually no manual control of the cam, as synonymous to use the manual Nikkore nothing.
Antwort von meawk:

Antwort von alibaba:

there is ever definitely a manual control with an adapter to the chip has NEN!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

What is a chip with?
B. DeKid
Antwort von Zizi:
with chip's definitely been times hä? What adapter what chip?
Antwort von alibaba:

I have a chip s.adapter of my Yashica Zeiss on eos, which gives a certain front panel:
when you consider how the modus tv works becomes clear that adjusts the aperture and shutter s.eingestellte iso values, which is contrary to the s.modus, the prob is that the tv mode thinks he can adjust the aperture.
but the chip says ne is not, so it only adjusts ISO and shutter, it is stupid to understand bissl declare tomorrow again.
In any case, so.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Thank you - link to the chip and would be nice, etc. - But this time tomorrow / after
THX un MfG
B. DeKid
Antwort von Zizi:
I have a chip s.adapter of my Yashica Zeiss on eos, which gives a certain front panel:
when you consider how the modus tv works becomes clear that adjusts the aperture and shutter s.eingestellte iso values, which is contrary to the s.modus, the prob is that the tv mode thinks he can adjust the aperture.
but the chip says ne is not, so it only adjusts ISO and shutter, it is stupid to understand bissl declare tomorrow again.
In any case, so. Sounds very interesting .. Read tomorrow / today times what the exact details fürn thing is and exactly how you apply ..
In any case something productive Mk2 which is the Messiah of Meawk not be there!
Antwort von alibaba:

dingens is the son of nikon lenses on eos (in my case on Yashica eos, because I work with Zeiss optics, I was the adapter in his objective is, so I do not know exactly what that is) + eos + adapter & _sacat = 0 & _fromfsb = & _trksid = m270.l1313 & _odkw = nikon + eos = 0 & _osacat
because there is always the fact that the s.bestätigt So my firm are synonymous ne of 1.8 prior to hide, do not know whether they are synonymous to do that but he must necessarily, therefore, I have in the tv mode imaging in hand and they does not make what she wants.
good night
Antwort von alibaba:

you must know that the values in the movie mode is displayed only and are solely responsible for photos, so it is as synonymous, when (in the exposure simulation mode) the longest shutter and iso expresses the highest and then attracts, absorbs and then when synonymous with the shortest shutter largest iso then lures, then takes the same values when the shutter halfway down the building appear even once in the display totally different and even totally overexposed.
I turn now s.der Exposure Compensation (during recording) change course, these values, you can do something photographic expose more or less and it still fits synonymous again in the visual display, so our video, that is the control, I during the movie to have to dispose.
the problem is now:
with the movie mode, I can not work, because this car is completely and absolutely nothing I can set (all values are for photos that you have to be always aware machen.ich alone and can only re-attract the exposure, but have no idea what the was.
I am however in the imaging simulation mode, I can picture the back of the display will appear before the record by saying s.iso influence or shutter and turn the building is exactly in this exposure, which is is already top times.
I now ne optik manual and make it worth my notes, then change the exposure aufm rear display anyway when I cam into the light feel, this is with the adapter is simply not the case.
I can always return to the same iso and shutter values and always get the same exposure, it is reproducible, what should I do if the exposure time and again to adapt?
I have no fixed starting point, because this, depending on the exposure time and again moves.
if I now 1 / 30 with ISO 25600 (H2) is one telle twice synonymous do I always have the same exposure.
It is stupid to realize I did yesterday 2 Battery charges intensely busy and tries to rise beyond what the exposure simulation without fixed Aperture makes and where they umspringt, but I am not come out.
Fortunately, I have those who make my life a lot easier.
At the end of a video (the Träcker s.Anfang just hide):
Antwort von Zizi:
if I now 1 / 30 with ISO 25600 (H2) is one telle twice synonymous do I always have the same exposure.
Iso 25600? So I have absolutely no idea how to use the video mode can? because my camera is in 3200 the limit ..
Although I have since 1600 Lieber wär ;-(!
I am not even in the photo mode to ISO 25600?
@ MB: So in your Camera (106) in the video, you can fix iso settings?
So say prevent no preference how dark the camera switches to ISO 3200?
Antwort von alibaba:

I have the chip but you go with the like (apparently) at marc!
and the high iso values can only be set if they are released in the menu. it is so hard to say what the cam without a fixed value orientation makes. I am quite sure that if you have 30 "shutter in the exposure simulation mode and to the highest ISO that you are synonymous then the highest in the cam available iso searched with the smallest possible shutter speed for video.
Please do not take the movie mode but anzeige exposureprogram simulation.
I can show you that the movie mode does not work.
Simply turning all times both good and quite dark quite bright then once you have the lowest exposure shutter ie very high, as high as it's done and iso as low as possible.
if I am in the menu to allow high iso, the iso synonymous in the video above.
Please belichtungszeit simulation mode, as can be synonymous without chip already pretty much change in the movie, however, display almost anything.
Antwort von Zizi:
Please do not take the movie mode but anzeige exposureprogram simulation. Well then yes, I know more before I garnicht Rec pressure on what the camera is set?
Each case turns out this whole manual einstellerei as a very worthy question ..
So now I sit ne hours with the camera in front of the PC and the Camera menu to the "EOS Utility" I have now everything durchprobiert .. ISO 25600, I still never came .. the only or the highest values are ISO 6400, and H1, H2?
allmälich I really suspect that there are various 5DS ...
Is really sucks because I just do not get the ISO in the video below 1600 to keep .. and the geilste is the Camera in 3200, not even the longest exposure time exploits! ;-(
Really annoying .. but what should one of Canon synonymous otherwise expect ..
to build just the disabled cameras with sensors the best!
Antwort von alibaba:

Zizi min jung du bist auf nem good away:
h1 and h2 are high but the iso-cost
the switching times of high iso's and then at 30 sec and ISO 6400 at the highest exposure to the cam recording being made (I guess that's 1 / 30 shutter with Iso 6400) until now turning s.rad (lol) until the display changes, now has the iso reduces turn next and he goes down next synonymous when recording when pressing the shutter half still stand the same values, so this may not be synonymous agree .* press prior to the recording nciht forgotten.
this is the last thing I say now you do not again anyway.
that's it.
if you's do without the adapter and evtll synonymous in the movie display mode helps you, perhaps this table.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

to build just the disabled cameras with sensors the best! LoL
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... I am not even in the photo mode ISO 25600th .. Small tip among friends: In such cases you can get the fastest help from a glance at the manual ;-)
Antwort von Zizi:
Small tip among friends: In such cases you can get the fastest help from a glance at the manual ;-)
How right you ;-)
I strongly hope for a meaningful update of Canon!
Has contacts with a Dennen or info?
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Has contacts with a Dennen or info? Help prefer times with NEN tool to find what the firmware ausliesst so times I ne firmware here to get the PC, then I'll give the next and then let it go because what can not be ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von alibaba:

hab mir jetz here again read by marc
************************************************** ********
1-4 (as above)
5. Aperture s.Blendenring of Optics Set
6. ISO press and as far down until the exposure between the darker and lighter body is no longer pumping.
7. button "*" key
8. With the thumb wheel to the ISO if necessary to correct
9. "SET" button to start recording
10. During the recording, the ISO (I hope not the shutter) with the thumb wheel to + / -2 Apertures correctable
How does that work, and I think quite stress free. Of course no comparison to a manual camera, but it is, delivers the results in no relation to the price of the camera stand, and this is the most important.
eig is the best method is to make its firmware is not appropriate, but otherwise is exactly like he writes under Item 6 "ISO press and as far down until the exposure between the darker and lighter body is no longer pumping." Iso would not have to pump it ne other firmware exactly what happens when that adapter with chip, the iso is pumping more he is not fixed can be no longer do what he wants is controllable.
yet one can thus set the iso, if man is only just as I would start as a valuable shutter 1 / 30 and take 1 / 6400 as it begins s.aufzuleuchten exp then can we draw from this position with the iso go down (always leave shutter) , and the cam is not worth more than this if you Lock and then aufnimmst.Wenn it is directed into the light changes the display brightness while still, but the iso is just never down on the preset value.
therefore, check that the iso or prevent it by default to go.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

eig is the best method is to make its firmware is not appropriate, but otherwise is exactly like he writes under Item 6 "ISO press and as far down until the exposure between the darker and lighter body is no longer pumping." Iso would not have to pump it ne other firmware exactly what happens when that adapter with chip, the iso is pumping more he is not fixed can be no longer do what he wants is controllable.
Once the ISO to a value is set, the <= the ISO is that I consider to be the brightness in the room needed regulates the automatic no longer high, meaning that the picture is not brighter. If that happens, and the picture looks good, I know the ISO is set correctly. How can I change the value simply and easily to the top limit and hold the shutter in the bridle. For if the automatic is no longer creates a brighter picture, is also with the safety shutter at 1 / 30.
Antwort von alibaba:

hab noch times of someone receiving the reply firmwares behave exactly the same you just need to know how to handle it has.
the method of marc in my opinion, is the only meaningful synonymous if I only synonymous again in a different direction of thought.
the beautiful is, it can work if you make it so easy and we must not only understand the whole cam and we should enter next.
we should use the technique here is quite s.schluss mention and then finish, so that the people the last entry as a final stand to see knowledgable.
Antwort von Zizi:

a question
If the exposure time to 0.8 is what does this mean?
1 / 8 second?
I wonder why because the EOS at 1 / 30 the max. is responsible for moving images without streak or?
In any case, it is damned difficult when you have a certain aperture wants ..
I needed today during a panel 1.4er the 2.8 .. no chance ;-(
the automatic (no preference where I directed the sub) was either a 2.0 or 5.6 .. very annoying!
Antwort von alibaba:

auto hide s.ner optik is not on this technology will you need the minimal objective of the cam off while you hide in the pre DOF preview button front hit.
but watch out that they do not fall down.
Here a video about this:
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
a question
If the exposure time to 0.8 is what does this mean?
1 / 8 second?
I wonder why because the EOS at 1 / 30 the max. is responsible for moving images without streak or?
In any case, it is damned difficult when you have a certain aperture wants ..
I needed today during a panel 1.4er the 2.8 .. no chance ;-(
the automatic (no preference where I directed the sub) was either a 2.0 or 5.6 .. very annoying! I honestly can not understand why you're still with its automatic Optics rumquälst. To manually turn the ring and I am ready. The borders s.Maoschismus yes because what you drift;)
Antwort von Zizi:

Well if I am now instead of the Nikkor lenses Canon drauf screw
what am I then if I want to make good photographs?
So without auto Still image really do not interest me and some 1000 ¬ for a Still Image Camera to spend only staged to film the whole, I am not worthy synonymous fun!
Nikkor and Canon to buy is too expensive and too hard to drag ..
I have an update for so where in the menu may regulate determines pay 300 ¬ more .. I do not know how stupid or Canon is not synonymous to something not to bring :-(
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Well if I am now instead of the Nikkor lenses Canon drauf screw
what am I then if I want to make good photographs? Again your Canon Optics screw it, what about this? :) Either way, the cam has two decisive advantages over all other cams this earth:
1. Lowlight capability up to ISO 3200 virtually noise-free
2. Shooting with Vollformatsensor
For the former, need manual Optics at times synonymous with Aperture 1.2 and to rotate the full advantage of the latter actually synonymous, because the sensor size is smaller aperture with a never before seen Bokeh (of 65/70mm film apart)
At your place, I would me a Nikon 35/1.4, a 50/1.4 and a 85/1.8 fetch. The cost used together perhaps 600-700 EUR + 60 EUR for three rings. In connection with his Canon Zoom, you can make almost anything without having to be poor. To the right high-speed optics missing then you only half an Aperture little kindness and of course, but you can not get over when each day needs to deliver high-gloss films.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Zizi
"And you're sure you have a D-SLR want to buy" - you can still remember s.den sentence?
In 40% of all cases, I work synonymous with AF lenses - WITHOUT AF.
Slowly, I can no longer take what you of the EOS 5D Mark II awaits you. : - /
Film is 80% Szenische up - ie
Idea = structure = Picture
What do you want the really filming / be?
Is this hobby or profession?
B. DeKid
Antwort von alibaba:

Zizi hey, you can times the earwig 5d with the test?
Antwort von Zizi:

@ B. DeKid:
I use them both as synonymous!
I got my XH A1 and sold my Olympus DSLR and erhoft
this with the MARK2 replace you!
For the most part is doing it synonymous ..
The disadvantages were known to me .. come synonymous reasonably clear that!
The most important thing, however: I will be with a friend a short film and there should then at least because everything fit.
The proposed MB of Nikkor werd ich mir mal closer look take ... Although I have been of 16-200mm 2.8 everything is covered but a few old manual edelstücke would probably not wrong ..
synonymous with it because I update on a reasonable Canon no longer be constructed before 2050 ..
Zizi hey, you can times the earwig 5d with the test? I've since sold the Ohrwurm me 9V adapter for Canon lässtig to war! This is synonymous with the 5D so ..
In my view, is the only really catchy with Sony cameras with power jack to use.
Otherwise, to me too complicated .. but the sound is incredibly good ..
Probably synonymous on the 5D ;-)
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
The proposed MB of Nikkor werd ich mir mal closer look take ... Although I have been of 16-200mm 2.8 everything is covered but a few old manual edelstücke would probably not wrong ..
Aperture 2.8 is the minimum! Starting as a film only really makes sense, because otherwise the ISO always goes too high. Furthermore, assuming that you have every Optics at least one notch dim to full sharpness need to get you're car will always at 3.5 or 4.0, which makes things Bokeh and ISO have no fun anymore.
The picture makes a quantum leap forward with a sudden when you are on 1.4, you'll see what I mean when you time a 35mm / 1.4 drauf had. The example corresponds to a normal 24mm film format, so ordinary wide-angle, but with a depth of as a portrait lens. That looks great immediately after the movie made. Try it, you will your 2.8 will no longer touch.
Incidentally, you can with Aperture 1.2 and ISO 3200 film by candlelight.
Antwort von Zizi:

I know .. I have the 50 1.4!
Sure the pictures are good but I think the 2.8er wenns candles is not necessarily enough to loose!
Moreover, at 20mm focal length +100 mm and not more than 2.8 and if dan will cost more than twice the Camera!
about 2.8 würd I buy nothing but synonymous!
What I do not understand: the Canon 50mm 1.2er of costs about 1200 ¬ the 1.4er 4x less? I use my 0.2 points this sensitivity more notes but no pig anyway!
.. at least I would have little visible light is not worth ¬ 1000.
Antwort von Axel:
I know .. I have the 50 1.4!
What I do not understand: the Canon 50mm 1.2er of costs about 1200 ¬ the 1.4er 4x less? I use my 0.2 points this sensitivity more notes but no pig anyway!
After half an Aperture. The zero before the decimal irritated. 2.8 is two full gates closed next as 1.4, which is quite plausible when you look into the lens.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

What I do not understand: the Canon 50mm 1.2er of costs about 1200 ¬ the 1.4er 4x less? I use my 0.2 points this sensitivity more notes but no pig anyway!
.. at least I would have little visible light is not worth ¬ 1000. Forget it out the Canon stuff, but eh have no aperture ring, the ring with Canon FD costs half as much as the Nikon. The Nikon 55 1.2 but synonymous costs only about EUR 350-500 used the 85/1.4 twice, of course.
I know .. I have the 50 1.4! You can not a 50 1.4 with a 35x compare, not rudimentary, forget it. Is not another world. Ne 50s Lens is quasi window glass, which is why it cost so synonymous nothing.
Antwort von Zizi:
You can not a 50 1.4 with a 35x compare, not rudimentary, forget it. Is not another world. Ne 50s Lens is quasi window glass, which is why it cost so synonymous nothing. Window glass?
Why should the 50's in the poor picture quality, like a 35x?
There is only minimally better the WW ..
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Window glass?
Why should the 50's in the poor picture quality, like a 35x?
There is only minimally better the WW .. I can explain it to you, but there are worlds between.
Antwort von meawk:

Unfug high 10!!
Because it is more expensive (?) - Are worlds between. Jo. . .
So, what's a cheese day gesülzt is really the hammer.
Window glass is 50 - because the chickens laugh. Du bist der Kracher, honestly. . .
Meanwhile, every one can only recommend for people who really want to laugh, read the threads about the 5d II and in particular of the post's. . .
Antwort von Zizi:

naja da must be a theory?
My light is the same, I'll take glass s.ebenso.
That must be the properties schonmal what a reward Lens.
I doubt the man in the video a difference between the two can recognize?
If it is slightly better dan halt as it is with so many: for the foreseeable little different, you pay a negligible amount more credible!
In any event, the 50s come to me here at the test sharpener before 1100 ¬ Despite difference!
Antwort von meawk:

Because even I have to vote - Zizi. Significant as it gets. Maybe the worlds are indeed reversed between - or, as is the glaring difference in sharpness to explain.
Another tip - free of me: Ai Nikon Nikkor 2,8 / 28mm in the bay buy (geiles Teil!). Do not necessarily a 1.4 his - has great cheese, what basically is disseminated.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
naja da must be a theory?
My light is the same, I'll take glass s.ebenso.
That must be the properties schonmal what a reward Lens.
I doubt the man in the video a difference between the two can recognize?
If it is slightly better dan halt as it is with so many: for the foreseeable little different, you pay a negligible amount more credible!
In any event, the 50s come to me here at the test sharpener before 1100 ¬ Despite difference!
It is not the sharpness, synonymous the 35x has its quirks. And there is certainly a theory, but I'm not opticians enough to explain it to you and before I post anything which is rubbish, I try it first ganicht. I can only say that neither I nor my DP have ever done with the 50/1.4 a Picture style, something of the "cool" has. Screw you, however, the 35/1.4 drauf, gibts endorphin distributions.
Something factual: The 35/1.4 is the lens for full shots, a 50er is for medium shots, you go with the Cam in the next 50er away, although it has the same cutout as the 35x, but with Teligen effect, higher depth of field , ergo: Looks completely different level. Moreover, it is here at the 5D convert a 35x lens on Full looks like in about 24mm on crop or Super35 format. And have you ever seen a 24/1.4? I do not synonymous. Even. This means that you can with the 5D and ran even closer still have a shorter depth than the same lens would have at Super35. That's the special thing about it.
What should I say to you yet, try it out or leave it:)
Incidentally, should anyone of the assets in this thread on
meawks post reply, I'm out. Then you can look back with nonsense're the doctor in the form of the moderator comes and deletes posts. Sorry, this is my time to pity.
Antwort von alibaba:

you go with the Cam in the next 50er away, although it has the same cutout as the 35x, but with Teligen effect, higher depth of field
MB eig rum should otherwise be the case that the depth decreases, if I'm not pretending everything
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

eig rum should otherwise be the case that the depth decreases, if I'm not pretending everything Nee uh, yes. The depth decreases correctly. Nothing else I've written?!
In the macro range is the depth of increasingly scarce. Simple example: With nem 105er you in Aperture 2.8 and 25cm gap has depth of 1-2 cm, at 25m distance sinds 1-2m.
Antwort von Axel:

you go with the Cam in the next 50er away, although it has the same cutout as the 35x, but with Teligen effect, higher depth of field
eig rum should otherwise be the case that the depth decreases, if I'm not pretending everything It does so synonymous, the focus range is smaller.
1) To the same field of view at 50mm to 35mm as in, one must next remove from the subject, which increases the sharpness of the field increases.
2) A rather long focal (and based on HD video, that is 16:9, roughly equivalent to 50mm at least 80mm KB) has a sharpness level. This means that the flower pots on the windowsill left and right behind your player are equally sharp or blurred.
Not so with a wide angle. Take the actor away and make one with the 24mm in the middle of the flower pot sharp. Schwupps! - The two left and right blurred.
Both conditions showed that, table or not, then a smaller wide-field sharpness produce.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

It does so synonymous, the focus range is smaller. Here a calculator and a downloadable spreadsheet.
Either I am blind or you:) I have nothing else claims!
2) A rather long focal (and based on HD video, that is 16:9, roughly equivalent to 50mm at least 80mm KB) has a sharpness level. This means that the flower pots on the windowsill left and right behind your player are equally sharp or blurred.
Not so with a wide angle. Take the actor away and make one with the 24mm in the middle of the flower pot sharp. Schwupps! - The two left and right blurred.
Uh - Yes and no. With a wide Anglestimmt the uncorrected, but with a corrected but not. Or here synonymous? Times I would say no, because otherwise I would not succeed with a 16mm lens a test chart of a clean edge to edge to film.
An uncorrected WW would be a fisheye if the focal significantly lower than a fixed flat ein geiles Lens;)
Antwort von Axel:

With Aperture 1.4 and the same test card image with a full 24er and a 50er recorded, you will see the difference. The fact that the quality of the lens has an influence, of course, is undeniable.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

The question was yes, does a 35er/1.4 very different than a 50er/1.4. Do you as to me?
Antwort von handiro:

someday you will sharpen deep fanatics still there, that you must decide what we are now sharp eyelash wants ...
I think this depth of insanity already partially exaggerated.
Although it obviously makes sense as a job action can be: any holder of such a depth of monster would then require a trained Focuspuller :-))))))
NO! I've said the 27th Eyelash you will be sharp Dümpel
Otherwise, my interest has grown slowly s.dem part ... I wait a bit, but with a quick glass and at night without the possibility of extra light nor useful to be able to make pictures, I could be weak .... I must be forthcoming Night action film: 400 policemen, at 4 in the morning before a village meeting location before they hold by 5 the whole village to arrest and search all the houses .... what I take as s.besten? It will definitely be stock still dark ....
Antwort von handiro:
Manfrotto sample The x055 should be enough - for your 5d and the XHA1
Well to this carbon bekomm I loose again Velbon 7000 and called by thy Manfrotto is not even a head is?
I was actually with the Velbon 7000 very happy and used it for projects öffter as a 10x Sachtler so expensive!
I am looking for a really good tripod for less than 200 ¬ synonymous times what you can take while hiking!
According to the Video Active wär Manfrotto Classic Mini RC 190/700 is the best for the price (180 ¬) or maybe back on 7000?
But that fits not to thread .. we remain in the 5d ;-) I have on my recommendation of a colleague bought a Libec drauf is H650, and has ne leveling bubble and has cost 140 ¬!
I can only recommend for travel! Light, small and perfectly adequate for my HVX with FS 100!
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
someday you will sharpen deep fanatics still there, that you must decide what we are now sharp eyelash wants ...
I think this depth of insanity already partially exaggerated.
That is what really garnicht. But we have with the lens is often really just incredible on the first try "hot" pictures for people, with the 5D even clearer. The 50er is simply ne Allerwelts ordinary optics. But, s.Ende is synonymous no preference, so everyone must know what he does. However, the following question with only one truth to be answered:
.... I must be a night action film: 400 policemen, at 4 in the morning before a village meeting location before they hold by 5 the whole village to arrest and search all the houses .... what I take as s.besten? It will definitely be stock still dark .... And, you know the answer already? ;) - 35/1.4, 55/1.2, 85/1.4, with all Nikon manual Aperture, the 5D at ISO 3200 and the sun is 3 hours earlier. So simple is this can of course synonymous with everything on film and Aperture 2.8 ISO 6400 or 12800. What looks better you know yourself
Antwort von handiro:

the question was not what glass I suppose ... rather what ne Camera :-)
But logic is already an 35/1.4 glass super!
I have the Canon not yet purchased the video camera .... except this Canon has good sensitivity to light? the SonyEX1? gibts da Nochwas or in the league?
Antwort von alibaba:

still other times ne wonder how it handles this with the sound?
Antwort von Zizi:
I have the Canon not yet purchased the video camera .... except this Canon has good sensitivity to light? the SonyEX1? gibts da Nochwas or in the league? under ¬ 10,000 falls nothing better to me ..
One would EX1 but with a 1.4 lens probably synonymous hardly shcwächer as the 5D?
In any case, I can your hype around the 35mm 1.4 does not understand .. I think these optics will cost 4 times of the 50s and has in my eyes in the picture hardly better pictures!
I got them today of a friend on my 5D and was screwed either in video or still image big differences!
To stop the money to buy better yet a solid cover focal lengths of 20-200@2.8
Because if you think that the Sigma
has the same intensity and the 5 times less cost would be verückt but not as a millionaire Optics to buy?
I think I trust myself to bet that a real difference None
between those overpriced and cheap Lenses can identify and garnicht already in the video!
Antwort von meawk:

The Zizi is always nice to me - one who can not dummlabern.
Antwort von alibaba:

but here is the low light of the three comparative
Antwort von Axel:
In any case, I can your hype around the 35mm 1.4 does not understand .. I think these optics will cost 4 times of the 50s and has in my eyes in the picture hardly better pictures! As you might be right when it comes to photos's. In the video aspect ratio is limited by an 50 but already quite strong. And a complete set with only lenses F2.8 well, because they are only about one fourth as bright as 1.4er, which is a Camera, which for most is still not exactly a bargain, if one does not top their performance of s . ausreizen not want? Large apertures are therefore more expensive, because a good image quality so difficult to achieve, what WW even more significant falls. The 1000 öre only come to you much before, there's Lenses, the equivalent cost of a car, and no one doubts that the quality difference you see.
Because if you think that the Sigma
has the same intensity and the 5 times less cost would be verückt but not as a millionaire Optics to buy?
I think I trust myself to bet that a real difference None
between those overpriced and cheap Lenses can identify and garnicht already in the video! The bet would you have to lose yourself. Like you I thought in the absence of excess coal synonymous times. My brother, Nikon-collector, and my own brother, a former photographer, were horrified. I got several pages of good and even better optics borrowed and never! ever! I will be overly s.dem save what one actually sees, and does it, and you need not even
directly Comparison.
The Zizi is always nice to me - one who can not dummlabern. Sympathetic in any case, but savers s.falschen end. Lieber mal eat oatmeal instead of steaks (saturate excellent, and, according to Gandhi is the seat of taste anyway not the tongue) or equal to the XH A1 remain, I believe he has, and which is not bad, instead of MK2, the before then a dull shard gepappt is cheap.
someday you will sharpen deep fanatics still there, that you must decide what we are now sharp eyelash wants ...
I think this depth of insanity already partially exaggerated.
Although it obviously makes sense as a job action can be: any holder of such a depth of monster would then require a trained Focuspuller :-)))))) Amen. As a notoriously poor cameraman and with mostly bad experiences - not with the MK2, but with a 35mm - I can only recommend, not in this case-DOF jujitsu. Last week we had only one night on a set that morning in order s.nächsten remediation should be demolished. The first four takes with needed hours. I noticed that I have all stayed and built from the thing, so at least we were ready. What a relief!
Unfortunately, the four hammermäßig Takes so that it is now difficult, the rest shall be added halfway postpromäßig bend.
So, without irony: Finger weg!
Antwort von meawk:

Say I do all the time: "hands off" of the 5D II - what better to wait with full manual operation comes. Money is thrown out, etc.
With the good, the glasses Axel synonymous quite naturally, logically. The price difference is not arbitrary, but has its justification. Only the comparison of sharpness Zizi had what. But who is a 1,4 / 35mm necessarily need to be synonymous enough money to spend - is only the vain. . . and the costs synonymous enough.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

* Yawn *
Let NEN new thread "DSLR with video function, why I love you" or something to do.
This one Sucks! MfG
B. DeKid
PS: Axel - Hammer link with the conversion page, thank you!
Antwort von Zizi:

@ Axel:
We are not talking Comparison of 2.8 and 1.2 but a comparison of 1.4 and 1.4 and in between 1100 ¬ and 15mm!
With so much additional cost should the Lens already have 16 or 100mm ..
Mir is already clear that such optics at 2.0 for the Chipausreizung are needed .. but you get only between 25 and 90mm and synonymous only with fixed focal lengths!
And who wants to constantly below 100mm film, while 10 Lenses rumschleppen and then can not even zoom?
When I came across a 0815-optics such thing I would probably get similar good results because the 21MP of the MK2
Lowlight of the Cam is not synonymous to a straight Lowlight king and make s.2.0 just synonymous Fairly Noise begins to if not already at 1.4!
So wär seen as a Comparison with Lichtschächeren lenses ever unfair!
Antwort von Axel:
@ Axel:
We are not talking Comparison of 2.8 and 1.2 but a comparison of 1.4 and 1.4 and in between 1100 ¬ and 15mm!
With so much additional cost should the Lens already have 16 or 100mm. The fact that this is not the case has technical reasons. 1.4 When a 16mm would probably
not have focus, and with an aperture 100 could be a missing
altogether, as the clustering in the focus so sharp angle produced, that it is as one lamp with a laser pointer in a railway tunnel. Why the heck chosen a 35mm? Quite simply, for the video function, it is the standard focal length with the most natural angle, you simply need mE (some think it should be a 28er, because a widescreen weitwinklig better looks, eventually you will see more "space", and the lowest number of motives " lie "). A zoom can also have one yes. Extreme Wide Angle Tele Or you will probably use relatively infrequently.
When I came across a 0815-optics such thing I would probably get similar good results because the 21MP of the MK2 Cam Lowlight of synonymous Especially not to a king Lowlight and make s.2.0 just synonymous Fairly Noise begins to if not already at 1.4!
So wär seen as a Comparison with Lichtschächeren lenses ever unfair! Fair or not,
with these lenses is the Lowlight of MK2 does not seem to beat. That the Chose and with the depth's all but synonymous already. In all other score, the video of the aforementioned 0815, the better, at least, this camera easily.
Antwort von Zizi:
Fair or not, with these lenses is the Lowlight of MK2 does not seem to beat. That the Chose and with the depth's all but synonymous already. In all other score, the video of the aforementioned 0815, the better, at least, this camera easily. Yes but just because only the latter, many are now bundled with HDV to 35mm!
So mine is in almost all cases the EOS rather like an XH A1 and despite the automatic interest me a lot of nerve costs ..
Now only where an update, Aperture, ISO, Shutter and Manual is a Rig for ¬ -300 and the world would be okay for me ..
But Canon buyer did not easily ;-(!
Actually we should all do together and in front of Canon Center Protest against the harmful intent with regard to such a disastrous over the Cam have thrown!
Fair or not, with these lenses is the Lowlight of MK2 does not seem to beat. How do you judge? do you have time a EX1 with a fixed focal length 1.2er seen (if at all possible)?
I refer to the sensor size is so synonymous compensated again by the (too) many pixels which are no pig in the video and image synonymous with nursing needs ..
What do you like the MK2 for a Lowlight would be amazing if less, such as the huge 10MP cmos would ..
Antwort von domain:

Zizi so what you all zusammenschreibst when the day is long, you have my goodness .....
Just to clarify one point: you can no lens for better light simply the lens diameter increase and then a good resolution Hope. Some low-cost producers will be made but so similar.
The correction cost increases with light intensity is not linear, but progressively s.and so synonymous cost calculation, the number of lenses, aspherical grinding, exclusivity of the glass types, etc.
Relation with high-quality versions of metal and built in small series, the loose 10-20x the cost of a 0815-normal lens causing light.
Antwort von domain:

Antwort von Bernd E.:
... With so much additional cost should the Lens already have 16 or 100mm ... You've been happy so far with pears, apples comparison, but now seems to be fruit salad: The price of lenses, but are subject to criteria other than the yellow of sausage at the butcher!
... Actually, we should ... vorm Canon Center Protest against the harmful intent with regard to such a disastrous over the Cam have thrown ... And it is still no comparison to the evil that some of the German Language will ... But it's drum: The only protest in the event of Manufacturer ankäme, would have a product that corresponds to a non-simply lie on the shelf for you. As long as - as is currently done - not only professional photographers and filmmakers, the 5D MkII to buy in quantities, but many synonymous, so the bypass can hardly, Canon is expected to feel more confirmed. A discussion of how it is going, you can anyway only with a mixture of smile and shake of the head track ;-)
Antwort von handiro:

What Axel here and has written the MB makes everything make sense.
Unfortunately, the thread is now somehow broken, whether the comic is? naja ...
anyway, again, thank you for the good s.Axel link to the DOF javascript tools!
And thanks s.Marc for the test! Ultimately, this Canon is currently the most interesting part in the CMOS race. Even I read that the RED overtime no longer want to pay and that is why the Scarlet later, the wait, I actually. However, if money comes into the fund, I could consider this to Canon. Mir is about light, not pixels or DOF. I want to light candles without lighting, noise filming. The fact that I am in the car super short DOF trap is obvious to me and makes me not so happy.
Antwort von Zizi:

Luminous or not .. I come before the 5D is an XH A1 or EX1 should have long ... candle with a 1.4er when the contrast, sharpening, color saturation runterdreht the Mk2 smokes synonymous enormously, of so you can log on to the hype synonymous expect more as I think!
Antwort von Axel:

Zizi, that sounds like frustration. Hype means, in my opinion, not etymologically audited understanding, artificial, fashionable high praise for the cult. So one thing is hype for the rider / driver pedalos, in its wake dümpeln. I fall often synonymous to come when it comes to equipment goes, we probably have in common.
But while others have simply lost their golden calf to dance, the choreographer, I would like or at least the DJ. In this claim, I can not afford me, in a setback to abandon. A reflex with video capabilities, Lowlight, Shallow DoF, easy to use and cheap, is to square the ball. Who rausholt because what he is dreaming, has stamina and idealism. It separates the wheat from the chaff.
Hadere not with the facts as they now are, your bitterness is not directed against Canon. Put my previous ownership signature,
you are what you are doing.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

One would EX1 but with a 1.4 lens probably synonymous hardly shcwächer as the 5D?
In any case, I can your hype around the 35mm 1.4 does not understand .. Dream of you, and I synonymous. If it were, then why should I ever with a 5D rumlaufen? The Optics of the EX1 has 1.9, is grad mal ne scarce Aperture worse, there would have with 6 dB gain then you think similar? Forget it. The EX1 is a non-contrast, blurred noise monster when it gets dark. As far as I know they are filmed by default at about ISO 600, so therefore you would gain 36 dB or so with a 5D at ISO 3200, Aperture 1.4 and equal.
Antwort von meawk:

Incidentally, should anyone of the assets in this thread on meawks post reply, I'm out.
MB You're still in it? Well, when your application was the need not to be expected.
What do you always with your super lowlight and your ISO 3200? Good, this can be the Cam enigermaßen when they are properly serviced. If yes the Knaller synonymous if they can not at least - at the sensor. But otherwise a crutch for the Videofilmerei. . .
Zizi describes here with all his contributions very well the frustration of the 5d II community. The synonymous prove the "black hole videos", which is like a red thread through the published videos on Vimeo and YouTube draw. And if you have a thousand Lowlight and DOF on the clover Lobst.
This robs the part of most users, the last nerve, and in every respect.
Antwort von domain:

As I shall take from the contributions amusiert, the 5D on the video sector appears to be a special Vollidiot with extreme talent, but certainly for some interesting and freaks Bastel solutions of the 35 mm adapters Garaus soon will.
I've never understood how to use with high-quality macro pictures for inadequate consumer zoom lenses of a screen all circumstances connected with anything at all can abfilmen :-))
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... with high-quality macro pictures for inappropriate consumer zoom lenses of a screen associated with each individual case ... anything ... abfilmen Now we finally have an easily understandable definition of "film look" ;-)
Antwort von meawk:

And that had only the 5D II on the market. . . "a complete with extreme special talent."
Antwort von domain:

And add to the "film look" nor coarse film grain and the cyano-Color Grading added.
I am unclear why the slick "noise free" of the 5D at Lowlight like this emphasis is that yes looks awfully sterile. There is nothing more stylish than a temperate Gainrauschen.
Antwort von handiro:

I've never understood how to use with high-quality macro pictures for inadequate consumer zoom lenses of a screen all circumstances connected with anything at all can abfilmen :-)) a vibrating screen for thousands of ¬ Uronen, I understand not synonymous. And the DOF community: a friend of me has ne RED and so sauschnelles glass with which one night with 1 candle really can make good pictures, but in the open Aperture then really the problem, "what we now consider eyelash sharp?" occurred :-)
I see now more and more uncomfortable with this whole DOF synonymous artists on TV, where every situation tolles shallow DOF inspecting used obs damaging the film or not.
Antwort von domain:

I wonder, yes, as cameramen, apart of their Scharfzieh-specialized agents working on ancient meter base from the pioneering days of photography at all sure sharp manner.
From my point of view and in recent years was with me at all, only with the small Fokussierfensterchen on auto basis.
Everything else is far too uncertain and stressful.
What we have on an issue would be. Many so called. Professionals believe that with manual settings for each amateur austrixen them. I can only say one thing: I know some of these recordings tüftelnden "Super amateurs": almost everything is simply worse than when she had filmed with automatic.
This applies to both the exposure than their synonymous allegedly targeted safe manual focus.
From this perspective, is synonymous clear that Sonyfür consumer camcorder on the right path.
Special manual controls are available for our group certainly interesting, but not for the average amateur.
And in 90% of recording situations, the true, honest, synonymous for me. Critical wirds only Lowlight, then maybe I go to manual settings and in the Tonaussteuerung in unusual situations.
If someone thinks that is currently, with the 5D maybe kill two birds with one stroke to catch, then it is probably totally on the wrong, as indeed synonymous MB said.
The camera is totally ungeeigent for what an amateur and usually wants to include the concerns synonymous particularly its inability to our world of 50 Hz in Europe.
Antwort von Zizi:
Amateur typically wants to include the concerns and particularly its inability synonymous for our world of 50 Hz in Europe It was already clear before the camera is not for holiday film is!
And what amateur disrupt 30p?
I think there is hauffenweise AVCHD in the same record and 30p for the lot is actually an advantage!
HF10 if I give my girlfriend and the resulting films 24p (fast pans, etc.) in short, an amateur that comes with a bucking sucks so much because the pictures .. there are far more bearable 30p!
And the PAL-NTSC history anyway since HD is no longer a problem if one does not necessarily produce must be in PAL!
Antwort von domain:

This is holding your opinion. For me, the cast iron main rule: 50 Hz for our area or out on camera, because the railroad runs over it.
Since it may be ever so nice to give other frequencies.
And now I tell you why synonymous. I have in the U.S. with various light sources filmed with 60 Hz already normal incandescent light is a problem, not to speak of fluorescent tubes.
Antwort von Zizi:
And now I tell you why synonymous. I have in the U.S. with various light sources filmed with 60 Hz already normal incandescent light is a problem, not to speak of fluorescent tubes. I tell you what synonymous, we have recently with an NTSC XH A1 24p and 30p rotated.
Where: in an entirely with fluorescent tubes lit Greenbox!
Nobody noticed only outlines a flicker!
So, therefore, of ka. why people diesbzgl. gedanken still do ..
I had 1 year to an NTSC device to 1-2 a lot of the scenes tend to be noticed and if None!
One more thing:
For good strong light can be synonymous aufnahmen a dirty Lens long ..
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
This is holding your opinion. For me, the cast iron main rule: 50 Hz for our area or out on camera, because the railroad runs over it.
Strange, I thought synonymous in the darkest parts of Germany had the Internet 60Hz.
I've never understood how to use with high-quality macro pictures for inadequate consumer zoom lenses of a screen all circumstances connected with anything at all can abfilmen :-)) I do not synonymous. That's why we use in conjunction with adapters usually only fixed focal length;) Did you really well None explains what? ;)
Antwort von domain:

Of course, modern fluorescent tubes abeiten with frequencies of some one hundred to one thousand Hertz. Furthermore Niedervolthalogenlampen are so sluggish that the 50 Hz frequency did not show.
But unfortunately there are so many exceptions and they are unpredictable ....
It helps nix, Troubles to avoid states in our region still with a multiple of 25 HZ to work because there is no way turn over.
Television, television, network radio everything is on this basis, I'm not stupid, that I intentionally aufhalse problems.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
For good strong light can be synonymous aufnahmen a dirty Lens long .. Uh ... because the sun shines! It can almost even with ND filming, he was probably the Sigma to 8 dim, then makes the thing a sort of scrap Picture:) In particular, the film intelligently anyway seems not to be, because the music comes with the warning certainly very rapidly into house.
Of course, modern fluorescent tubes abeiten with frequencies of some one hundred to one thousand Hertz. Furthermore Niedervolthalogenlampen are so sluggish that the 50 Hz frequency did not show.
But unfortunately there are so many exceptions and they are unpredictable ....
It helps nix, Troubles to avoid states in our region still with a multiple of 25 HZ to work because there is no way turn over.
Television, television, network radio everything is on this basis, I'm not stupid, that I intentionally aufhalse problems. So, since I must contradict you. It simply regulates interference with the shutter off and finished. I turn in the U.S. and Europe, queerbeet indoors, outdoors, daytime, at night, with stages, Flos, everything possible, such problems, I know not, neither at 24, 25 or 30 Hz This phenomenon is actually only for old CRT monitors or fluorescent lamps, But shutter <1 / 50 because not synonymous.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Antwort von domain:

Strange, I thought synonymous in the darkest parts of Germany had the Internet 60Hz.
What interested the Internet with their PCs and 60 Hz frequency on the monitors?
The goal, our domestic television broadcasters and for our products (although not for my, but there is so few, who remember .......)
Antwort von RickyMartini:

Although the clip is already three months online! ;)
If there were issues related to the song, the clip would be a long off-line or been removed. So it is in any event in youtube.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Strange, I thought synonymous in the darkest parts of Germany had the Internet 60Hz.
What interested the Internet with their PCs and 60 Hz frequency on the monitors?
The goal, our domestic television broadcasters and for our products (although not for my, but there is so few, who remember .......) YouTube and DVD but are now more important than TV. Video on Demand is increasing, and an NTSC DVD is always synonymous in PAL land, but not vice versa. Most stress-and smooth platforms offer is at 60 Hz, not 50th Look at the facts in the eye.
Although the clip is already three months online! ;)
If there were issues related to the song, the clip would be a long off-line or been removed. So it is in any event in youtube. Attention Offtopic:
That you might think:) There are 2 possibilities on YouTube for Rights Holders:
1. Unregistering. If, within minutes, making only a little more.
2. Mark. Much more effective because it holds the rights holder finds that his rights are owned and YouTube pay per click.
And then there is still the collection method so that the warning synonymous worthwhile. 1 million clicks are significantly more expensive than 1000th
Antwort von Axel:

@ domain, meawk, handiro the sharpening-depth un-despicable. You did the absolutely right with what you write. As little depth at end. Really anywhere to watch and hellishly boring.
You synonymous right that there is a completely underrated aggravation means small DoF with focus on - or even add other aspects to take care of (hence the self-purpose), and that most of these problems hide.
It is superfluous. It is one of the things that a film does not need.
What a beautiful Sonywith an automatic transmission, in 90% of all occasions on any manual handling can be set, can
not do, is what the fans. You would not synonymous you so bored, synonymous if you're not in the sense, would have added thousands to browse, because you knew not what it should be good. Why is anything good? Does one really Videos?
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

What a beautiful Sonywith an automatic transmission, in 90% of all occasions on any manual handling can be set, can not do, is what the fans. Is it not. Although I have worked long and often with adapters, but I'm not a lover of the things. A car locksmith loves not synonymous wrench, he needs it very simple.
It is quite simple: To certain moods in certain shooting I need to provide - according to my personal, artistic mind - and out again a short depth of field.
A passionate Kussszene example, looks with a 1 / 2 "Chipper looks like a joke. When you go just to kiss the kiss and not the wallpaper behind the wall s.der kissing. The background draws in such a scene of the core message of the image from . The art is the Feeling at the moment visually transporting. thinking kissing in a Schmachtfetzen around on the wallpaper after? In a parody or comedy, I would be a scene with Aperture 8 without turning, no doubt, but not when it indeed romance goes. The people who can not suffer here almost need subtitles: "Attention, seriously! Please note you do not have the wallpaper! "
Without this, I must totally abandon the style funds, I have with the whole spectrum of my artistic disposal. There is no more and no less. The RED or a rudimentary synonymous and a 5D me the freedom to crop and I'm not in my visual design. A 2 / 3 chip without anything but restricts me immensely.
If some say, one or Shallow DOF would basically superfluous, this is simply a very stupid statement made out of pure incompetence on their own noses to see. I have in my professional environment sowas synonymous not yet heard, but here, interestingly, I read it again and again.
Antwort von Axel:

Synonymous, I wanted to say I've only vergaloppiert night. An addition to the stylistic device, not either-or.
Antwort von handiro:

I did not say, an adapter or shallow DOF would fundamentally stupid!
I see only more and more expensive toys in such incompetent hands, and then it will be a punishment for the watch!
As a testament to the great small DOF screenshots are then terminated.
With such a narrow DOF, but the actor may no longer breathe or otherwise move, so my critique!
So instead of the next DOF to make light anzumachen and the small aperture to make is on the shallow DOF gradezu hingekämpft.
Nevertheless, I would like the 2 kilo t ¬ uros to me now the D50 to get ....:-)
Antwort von Zizi:

Other question: What is going on with?
I think it is really a joke but the battery is no substitute for doing so?
The supplied holds little over 1 hour long and there and to buy only such synonymous scrap of Hong Kong do not seem to fit properly!
The original cost of 80 ¬ and unbelievable is not even available ..
Antwort von Valentino:
Other question: What is going on with?
I think it is really a joke but the battery is no substitute for doing so?
The supplied holds little over 1 hour long and there and to buy only such synonymous scrap of Hong Kong do not seem to fit properly!
The original cost of 80 ¬ and unbelievable is not even available .. So there is one of Canon and Batteriegrif than I would at times to the photo dealer in my confidence going and then just ask.
Always recommend the Ansmann of which are not as expensive as the Canon of synonymous and no cheap Heimer from southeast.
At Canon, the synonymous for the most part uniform, for example, the 5D has the same as a 50D, 40D or 30D.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
So there is a Canon of Batteriegrif as ..... It knows it but since I been there a few weeks ago as a "must have" mentioned, full discussion dementia who no battery grip, which is incidentally operate with AA can be used is your own fault!
From the power adapter cable times apart.
And later Rumgeheule brings nothing synonymous.
Shows just hoping some miracle and now just have to remember that it is not there to buy.
On good German - everything Poser!
B. DeKid
PS: I have for all my EOS cameras battery handles and spare magazines still synonymous with high quality, otherwise, the cams but not at the maximum allowances.
Antwort von Zizi:

What do you think of this Beatteriegriff? Canon -Mark-BG-E6-LP-E6/dp/B001SGR2SI and how he untershceidet of the fats are twice as expensive original?
Because the original is really too expensive to me .. because I get replacement batteries 3-8!
Antwort von Valentino:

PS: I have for all my EOS cameras battery handles and spare magazines still synonymous with high quality, otherwise, the cams but not at the maximum allowances. Good joke with the maximum resolution ;-)
I myself may be the battery handles only recommend but synonymous, synonymous if still, or just because I still analog photograph. The camera gets a little more weight and is clearly better in the hand, then this one has a timer for s.der Page Hochkantbilder.
A set of 0815 holds it for about 10 bsi 20 Shooting, but with the digital in Digiknippsen but as synonymous for 300 photos enough?
How well the Canon replica on Amazon, I have no planning, but for 120 euro you get an original Canon synonymous handle.
Antwort von Zizi:
How well the Canon replica on Amazon, I have no planning, but for 120 euro you get an original Canon synonymous handle. Yes where? I find the suitable for the 5D MARK2 only for 220 ¬?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

PS: I have for all my EOS cameras battery handles and spare magazines still synonymous with high quality, otherwise, the cams but not at the maximum allowances.
Good joke with the maximum resolution ;-)
but for 120 euro you get a orginalt Canon synonymous handle. Photos trippings pronounced in the second, for me as relevant.
All other benefits you have so described. ;-)
But the replicas are in the 120 euro and the original sector of over 200, -, we can safely recommend replicas, I did one for the 400D of Untercheidet in my eyes, not to those of the 1 / 1V - but which are arranged differently.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Zizi:

Mir is now a question which I have been brought into krübeln:
What influences the chip / film size on the depth of field?
Shown is the same so .. only with more unschärfe.
Depends with the aperture of the chip together, or generally s.der area?
Antwort von domain:

This is based on fundamental optical and is in the medium and large format cameras much more pronounced. These, however, there is the possibility of the lens according to Schifter and Scheimpflug tend to, so despite all of the major focal lengths of the front to the rear can be sharp.
The human eye has a focal of 20 mm, so everything is synonymous with relatively large depth of field displayed.
Special DOF applications as we know them from the scenic area to know, are the eye s.sich strange, but have the sense to draw attention to important building lots to steer conscious look at what normally is done by the brain.
Antwort von Zizi:
This is based on fundamental optical and is in the medium and large format cameras Yes these principles, I would like to know ;-)
Special DOF applications as we know them from the scenic area known, are foreign to the eye s.sich What now?
therefore everything is synonymous with relatively large depth of field displayed.
So I can see already with low depth of field? if I use my fingers "sharpen" the rest is blurred ..
Oh an another question:
Depth of focus and depth of field is something else!
But why talk of the many once and once and think of the same?
Antwort von domain:

It is now your task Zizi this Basic Law by optical Googling to find out and link us to a reasonable supply.
I am waiting because I do not einsehe that you always want to delegate as much.
Antwort von Zizi:
It is now your task Zizi this Basic Law by optical Googling to find out and link us to a reasonable supply.
I am waiting because I do not einsehe that you always want to delegate as much. When I google would not have asked this question would not be here!
But if you can not answer / do you need to do is not synonymous!
Also for what there is still a Slashcam forum? "
I think 90% of all questions are available on the web / google easy to clarify ..
Or should I question these are synonymous Google so you do not have to annoy? ;-)
Antwort von Axel:
Depth is a term that emerged from the cinema projection practically known (probably not only there, but the principle explains quite well the mutual influence of "sensor size and focal).
Imagine you have a 5 meter wide screen and projector at a distance of 15 m. This is unproblematic, because the distance of the optics to the screen in mid-15 m is at the left and right, but 15.20 m. These 20 cm are completely within the tolerance, it will all be displayed sharp.
So there are small screens in modern cinema is no longer practical. The average would be in a room length of 15 m to
10 m screen. Then if the difference is not more than 20 cm, but 80 cm. It can only be either the middle or the sides may be sharp. A work around is only either a curved screen (the better solution) or a very expensive special lens, the light first, but swallows and secondly, a very low tolerance has depth. Already another film material (thicker or thinner) and other factors make the picture out of the focus slip.
Here you have the model for the explanation: The more varied the path length of light from the focal point to every pixel on the sensor surface, the lower the depth of field.
That is
a factor. The other is with the chip to be done only indirectly, but concerns the relationship between the minimal size of the image point (useine question of the
quality and suitability of the Optics) and the actual size of a pixel / resp. Film grain. If the pixel on the sensor surface a larger
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

(Since when you can no longer delete?)
Antwort von Axel:

@ Marc
The depth of prejudice rather Auflagemaß. The adjustment of the "Back Focus" about the Letus Ultimate. The depth has no direct influence on the depth of field. For many consumer camcorders is an alternative to the shift of the lenses with the postponement of the
chip (auto-) focused, with some additional Prosumermodellen.
Antwort von PowerMac:

My standard tip for SAE "students" Zizi: thinking and researching. Uni s.deiner you learn nothing?
Antwort von domain:

And the research often takes a few seconds, for example, comes fairly quickly following link to light, but many more synonymous
Antwort von Zizi:
My standard tip for SAE "students" Zizi: thinking and researching. Uni s.deiner you learn nothing?
My standard answer for the know-Banfield: Just fold and keep the forum clean! You will learn in your education course work is not popular with the people?
Antwort von domain:

It starts ever so s.Zizi that you are an infinite number of spelling mistakes (Standard, the colloquial, etc.) and our standard order constantly insult anyway.
The degree of the rigors and the naivety with you in every way is depressing, but probably symptomatic of the latest PISA studies.
Particularly shocking are serious but your Unkenntnisse precisely on that area for which you obviously seem to be interested.
Before I was running such nakedness like you, I would prefer self-study and learn a lot there to hold the door.
Antwort von meawk:
(Since when you can no longer delete?) Because all your witty posts to read. So when a purely precautionary, since delete can not anymore, but still edit.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

? Why will you leave us now MarcB. ?
I surely hope not.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Zizi:
? Why will you leave us now MarcB. ?
Well at the insults and Blödstellungen not only in this thread but even in this forum, it would not surprise me ..
Antwort von B.DeKid:

No clue - but I come so very well right MarcB. There are often least trouble, the times will be here to stay.
B. DeKid
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
? Why will you leave us now MarcB. ?
Have I missed?
No clue - but I come so very well right MarcB. There are often least trouble, the times will be here to stay.
I think Zizi says differently rum. If you are in the forum for more than an insult of me, please give me one. There is only one, very s.Anfang, there am I once briefly slipped ... but thank you for your kind words.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Ok forget it
B. DeKid
Antwort von Zizi:

Knows how to a minimum of 30 min. Extend recording time / off at any time?
Or is the question for the forum again too easy / stupid?
Ne let good .. I use Google!