Infoseite // The camcorder of the future

Newsmeldung von slashCAM:

The camcorder of the future of rudi - 9 Dec 2005 01:05:00
'Since Christmas time is synonymous to the wishes, we take a look into the future. How should really look like a new Camcordergeneneration that could really move everyone to switch?


Antwort von Vfreak:

There are a number of score, a "must have" constitutes cam.

So I now describe the price category in which I buy privately Cams:
(1000-2000 £)

Finally, synonymous to "my price range" more value for the
Viewfinder. (large grayscale viewfinder as an alternative to the LCD display when
accurate manual focusing)

Manual settings for all parameters, such as Important
Gain, aperture, shutter speed, white balance undzwar again
directly s.der Cam, and not on any display.

Ensure no unnecessary bells and whistles, such as "networking" etc. ..

Otherwise ne decent light sensitivity (ie, a nice big
Chip with reasonable Optics)

a clean, decoupled sound ...

And, well, really solid robust drive ...

That would be everything ...

Gibts in this Combined then, unfortunately, not in any way ...

not (at least if you do not want to spend 8000 EUR o))




Antwort von MiXMaster:

Hi Stephen,

In principle, I bought about 1 years ago as a camera, after intensive research.

My requirements were:
- Balance manual focus, aperture, shutter, white
- B / W viewfinder (or color switchable to S / W)
- External microphone input (the built-in Micro is synonymous but very clean)
- Headphone Jack
- 20X or greater optical zoom (the camera even has 24X)
- No built-in screens and trick things that the shooting is not necessary

Opportunities are open:
- Handling of the sharpness and the zoom s.Lens with markers instead of rockers
- That balance the buttons for manual focus, aperture, shutter, White does not lie behind the LCD, which I use to shoot before.
- Manual Tonaussteuereung
- High intensity with better optics and chip rather than by electronic Vertärker

The bang of the matter is now synonymous nor the price: in January of 2005 I purchased the Panasonic NV-GS11 for about 330 ¬ for netonnet synonymous and there a good, self-contained, collapsible headphones of Koss UR-40 purchased for inspection. Locally I could not or did not want a dealer to offer a camera with these features, according to my wishes so.

Manufacturer s.The My wish would be that you could infect the tape drive instead of a commercially available 3.5 "SATA-2 disk. Which I would then connect via hotplug s.den PC and could immediately cut it. In addition, by rotating the camera would masses to keep quiet.

Greeting Doc Brown


Antwort von Martin:

"slashCAM" wrote: As Christmas is synonymous to the time requirements, we take a look into the future. How should really look like a new Camcordergeneneration that could really move everyone to switch?
One of the most desired features in current camcorder is a less depth of field. Many users have video of the typical video aesthetics, almost everything in the Picture depicts sharp, disappointed. The solution to this problem would simply be smaller imagers (CCD 's) behind the lens.

That's not true. Much more important than the size of the image intensifier is the size of the lens. The larger the aperture of the lens, the smaller the depth of field. This is something that each photographer - (simply close the aperture or increase the aperture value), already provides more depth of field. Of course, with the same size of film in the camera.



Antwort von spart:

> That's not true. Much more important than the size of the image intensifier is the size of the lens. The larger the aperture of the lens, the smaller the depth of field. This is something that each photographer - (simply close the aperture or increase the aperture value), already provides more depth of field. Of course, with the same size of film in the camera. <

auweia ...


Antwort von MiXMaster:

I think that the ratio of chip size to be considered for the focal depth




Antwort von rush:

The depth is dependent of the Aperture, the distance to the object
and the focal ... .

is my opinion to even the "camcorder of the future" as well as he may be synonymous, microphones only with appropriate zusatzeqipment as extrenenn einsatz of light and lead to optimal results:)
But the development does not stand so, what is synonymous a good thing ... ;)


Antwort von Udo Schröer:

The best camera is still the eye, and since we do not synonymous nöglich everything is always seen to be sharp like a camera so fast can not synonymous.


Antwort von Martin:

"saves" wrote:
auweia ...

Where's perhaps a bit more precise? Would be if "save" does not save as much s.Erläuterung.




Antwort von Martin:

"Anonymous" wrote: I think that the ratio of chip size to be considered for the focal depth

That is not enough. The depth ( "Depth of Field, DOF) is a function of sensor size and focal, but synonymous of object distance and aperture. Focal aperture and opening are in a ratio.

A smaller aperture (eg f / 2 instead of f / 8) or a larger aperture reduces the depth of the OPENING.

Other explanations as well as a DOF calculator, there are - unfortunately in English - at [url]] / url].



Antwort von Martin:

"Udo Schröer" wrote: The best camera is still the eye, and since we do not synonymous nöglich everything is always seen to be sharp like a camera so fast can not synonymous.

Is not the point. Quite the contrary - in the image composition, the photographer wants to limit (or filmmakers), the depth to indemnify the main object. Photographers to buy outrageously expensive Lenses with mad openings (and thus size) in order to achieve that.

A larger aperture means more light in the rest of synonymous and thus reduce the possibility of exposure time. Our English friends describe bright Lenses therefore "fast".



Antwort von Martin:

"Martin" wrote: Other explanations as well as a DOF calculator, there are - unfortunately in English - at [url]] / url].

Huh, because I had mistyped. Synonymous Now I know that you can later edit posts not here - I shall endeavor to continue to be somewhat careful.

So again the link to click:



Antwort von chrisgau:

My Wish List:

[*: e89a14b716] Progressive recording (aka 24.25 and 50fps)
[*: e89a14b716] Selectable Resolutions: 720p, 1080p
[*: e89a14b716] Recording media: hard drive, or (in the next future: memory cards, which will eventually determine synonymous' tens of gigabytes of capacity) have
[*: e89a14b716] No MPEG2 or MPEG4 compression ... Instead, back to the DV codec (I-frames only) - higher data rates must be offset by more space
[*: e89a14b716] AC Lens and recording chip as in modern and cheap SLR digital cameras (eg Nikon D50)
[*: e89a14b716] Manual exposure (Aperture and shutter) as an alternative to automatic program
[*: e89a14b716] A rational Viewfinder (ergonomically fitted correctly ... so s.der Page left of the box) like a Spiegelrelfexkamera instead of these idiotic displays.
[*: e89a14b716] level control, decoupled directional microphone (switchable mono / stereo)
[/ list: u: e89a14b716]

More strikes me a non erstmal. So basically I would like a professional camera in the format of an FX1 for a price below ¬ 2000 ;-)



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