Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: The end of the VDSLRs?
Antwort von masterseb:

I believe, however, synonymous!
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

For the pro-region is certainly true. The Semipro-and amateur sector is certainly longer rely on the much cheaper alternative to making a thicker trousers.
Antwort von KlausZ:

The difference is that documentary filmmakers prefer to lug a 5D in their luggage to make first-class photos and movies. If the image quality would make now really worlds, one might be persuaded, nor let twice as expensive AF101 to take the luggage - hence: the VDSLR will continue to develop themselves and have their place, for the serious photographer, the synonymous Shooting do and vice versa. Example:
Antwort von NEEL:
The difference is that documentary filmmakers prefer to lug a 5D in their luggage to make first-class photos and movies. If the image quality would make now really worlds, one might be persuaded, nor let twice as expensive AF101 to take the luggage - hence: the VDSLR will continue to develop themselves and have their place, for the serious photographer, the synonymous Shooting do and vice versa. Example: I think so. The 5D is more difficult to control and produced by the major chip too much too much scrap. For travel movies a la joerg pfeiffer ("document" is not a taboo word for once but hits the core of this Klischeeabfilmerei) it might still be if bays, landscapes, sunsets and shepherds predominate. In the classic documentary, however, there are almost no scenes reproducible, ie, the committee has a minimum and the hit rate as high as possible. All over 2 / 3 inches is absolute nonsense. Here I see even the GH13 with her in relation to the 5D half as large chip at a disadvantage (though joerg pfeiffer seems to use it, as shown in a shot). The best thing for documentaries are still shoulder cameras, since you are your own tripod and get the best picture. If that does not work, then handle men. The 5D, which was of some stations in express terms excluded as a production camera, determines their filmakers niche, but rather a place in the photo-production or controlled theatrical productions.
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And it had 100 blogs are written and made 10 000 tests so synonymous streamlined the last Depp that make cameras for photos and there are not to shoot?
Poor world ..
Antwort von gast3:

to your "poor world" is no longer done ......
Is so synonymous not that with filming photo equipment not very passable things have been created and formed probably synonymous continue to be the oaBeitrag of filmmaker Frank Glencairn is his personal opinion (manifested in a blog) and certainly synonymous not the last word. ....
Antwort von ChillClip:

So, these statements I can absolutely not be taken seriously. There is more of wishful thinking, but the practice is very different.
The fact is rather that the current Manufacturer neglect the camcorder range. Canon does not really been 2 years and reached new Sonyspeckt s.and is more functional in the direction of what to make cameras.
Please find as an insight to be recognizable? For years, filmmakers around the world make fun always the same things. For years, products are regularly devalued in some respects, in tests because of more and more filmmakers essential things are missing. since an improvement in sight?
The SonyNex VB-10 is for real shooting not to use or at least a severe disappointment and suppresses precisely the features that filmmakers have been demanding more and the new Pana is simply too expensive. Which amateur filmmakers bought itself 'ne Camera for 5000 ¬.
So want to know me, which should come to expect a turnaround towards the needs of the amateur filmmakers - have been met even earlier so by default already in any mid-size camcorder.
Instead, all rush now to 3D .... oO
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It is synonymous to the people of sat1 afternoon program or rtl well finden.jeder just has his own personal ideas of quality and aesthetics.
and i guess the cost factor left outside, that all "great" films that were rotated with DSLRs, with 100% accuracy with a reasonable camera would have been better at worlds.
now find all of the low depth of field cool (all the errors and that the images are usually blurred, that hardly anyone remembers it.)
what do you think happened because what if now all the new video cameras come out with a large chip, that is the advantage of DSLRs, but also without all the disadvantages, and then they are cheaper than the 5d or 7d or possibly even the 600d. do you then buy a DSLR is still a film and the reasons for this: "Yes, the quality and Hadley has me totally convinced"
Antwort von Axel:

The cycles are shorter. A few years ago, say three, the famous film look was a kind of Holy Grail, the one looking like the needle in the hay. 35mm adapter were expensive and from her handling of a pain in the butt. I am among those who have put much money in here. Meanwhile, a still movie images (see especially "Social Network") to clean, right?
VDSLR is not the last word, but it dictates what the industry can come up soon for ambitious prosumers do if she wants to get rid of frustration. Good, right?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Who is this Frank Glencairn? Is of the CDU??
Antwort von gast3:

@: wrote:
what do you think happened because what if now all the new video cameras come out with a large chip, that is the advantage of DSLRs, but also without all the disadvantages, and then they are cheaper than the 5d or 7d or possibly even the 600d. do you then buy a DSLR is still a film and the reasons for this: "Yes, the quality and Hadley has me convinced," [/ quote]
Well, until now there is not your miracle cameras on the market, let alone anything bekannt.Mit on the future price conduct security they will not be cheap, if you are superior because really all of them have ever become, without the of Dir disadvantages listed .. .. yes, but we all have desires.
Antwort von gast3:
Who is this Frank Glencairn? Is of the CDU?? was good !:-)))
Antwort von WoWu:

NEEL because I can agree.
We have repeatedly 5D parallel to video production with and taken out of its own crew can attend to see whether it just as fast to achieve just such images, as with video.
Result: not a single picture could be used in the final product ions (for different reasons).
For documentation absolutely inappropriate. For the AF100 is synonymous far from clear whether that will be suitable.
Antwort von Axel:

@ WoWu: The DSLRs like the new Pana s.eine probably depend entirely different audience. With the cameras, which filmed her with your documentaries, you were at a music video in today's trendy style (that always keeps one of them) left behind. You're certainly right on one hand. On the other hand, apples and pears.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

In September 2010 I was traveling on a 4-week cultural tour in Greece. Very quickly I realized that I needed too much time spent on video recordings with the EOS 550D DSRL to the tour group on tours to follow. To focus shifts was thinking about not already, as s.vielen places not with a tripod could be included and not by body support that calms enough war.Gefilmt realized I have, therefore, mainly with the best Canon HV30 video camera, synonymous because of the object in the Recording following autofocus. Only in Lowlightsituationen and at much available time, as our evening celebration at the campsite / restaurant or on the trip with the ferry I had found the necessary time for preparation with the recording scenic DSRL EOS 550 D.
There are not the ideal camera for video enthusiasts with the claim, but for all purposes the best compromise.
Antwort von Jott:
Winner Best Video.
Cute tear swabs, but why Winner? Six minutes desperate attempts to find the focus. So today you have to make documentaries? Happy the man who manages the sale as an art and intention - and I for my part, get them a headache.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Axel
Entirely clear, but the knowledge we had to win synonymous only one hand on his own curiosity, on the other hand, synonymous, because some people are like promising a change in favor of the product.
But to be honest, I was pretty excited synonymous and the subject was quite an open mind.
But how Jott says ... "Art" as an intention to sell ... that gets the facts pretty well.
I'm only just not yet sure whether a AF100 really is includable. In this respect, NEEF has since taken our course, synonymous nerve.
But with the chip size and lenses that do not have to bring so overbred services, you could be synonymous again take small aperture in the eye without having to fight to diffraction.
So all I have not given up hope. Goofy is only just that little good focusing s.Markt available and sit the one we have, all on 2 / 3 "lenses.
So there will be again a lot of opportunity for "tinkering". Only VDSLR is really not useful for commercial documentaries.
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:

Is this now happening again?
Never before have so many opportunities for filmmakers of any kind on the market were as now. But instead of receiving this choice with open arms, you focus on the particular shortcomings of the different cameras and so one can not and the other is not so
Like it or not, fact is that the VDSLRs have become ne constant in the production area and it will remain synonymous.
(And some of what is now delivered on Digibeta was with NEM "inferior" Codec recorded ...)
The AF100 is sure to create a new class. But have to dress warm because the rather large Schultercams than the VDSLRs. Anyone with a 550D and NEM ZoomH4n making good films that are accepted at all within the market, who needs ¬ 6000 to put in the new Pana.
Who is just over 60 000 sets pay for a Varicam setup, the AF100 is much closer under the microscope. (And s.Ende left rather than buying a large two small ...)
I think those who are now upset about what is still not any cameras, just to justify the addiction desperately for excuses his lack of talent or Engagment.
Or is actually a cutter or an engineer or or or ...;)
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:
Winner Best Video.
Cute tear swabs, but why Winner? Six minutes desperate attempts to find the focus. So today you have to make documentaries? Happy the man who manages the sale as an art and intention - and I for my part, get them a headache. Look at 16mm documentaries from the 70s/80s on. Run n'gun is always looking sharp and and find the stop in often synonymous On.
And if you're surprised that this content and effect of the film were evaluated and not the pure technical implementation, then you pull it just preferred image films of pure and Co Mercedes, so with a lot of crane, dolly and 3D ...;)
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Christian Schmitt
This may apply for amateur filmmakers, or the products must be subject to uniform quality in the ninth or even for experimental films.
But we have to very closely monitor the images, cameras and Lenses are matched and that quality standards that we owe our ultimate customers are synonymous, at least on hold. Against improvements certainly has no objection to something.
So it's not really true, that is "broken", only if it fits, it fits not. May well be that there is a commercial version, which again meets the requirements.
But requirements are either met or not. This has nothing to do with "rip".
This has to do with the fact that products may not be sold.
Antwort von Jott:

I stick to it. Content and technology should have to go hand in hand, one can not separate the radical - although I know others see things differently. This Vimeo clip would have won but infinite if the bokeh fetishist behind the cameras would have at least dimmed once two stages.
It might accordingly prove the AF100 as beneficial, because the sensor is just not sooo huge and so helpful in keeping the focus disasters is limited. The course is always art, logical ...
Antwort von Gabriel_Natas:

what do you think happened because what if now all the new video cameras come out with a large chip, that is the advantage of DSLRs, but also without all the disadvantages, and then they are cheaper than the 5d or 7d or possibly even the 600d. do you then buy a DSLR is still a film and the reasons for this: "Yes, the quality and Hadley has me totally convinced" Yes?
But it is still waiting for years.
To refuse to Panasonic Manufacturer in all but the camcorders to 2000 ¬ fully manual control over aperture, gain and shutter.
What brings you to believe that a camcorder take on the market, an optimized video on APS-C sensor has to demand full manual control and for less than 2000 ¬?
The SonyNex 10 is surely more or less a customer contracts asses, just the Fotoapperat put in another enclosure and the Panasonic is far too expensive for an amateur.
Once the Manufacturer bring out such a camcorder, you're certainly right.
But the former producer policy shows that have no interest to serve the customer wishes in this matter. Because if you were to bring out a camcorder, they would kanibalisieren the Prof. line yet complete.
In the price range up to 2000 ¬ for the foreseeable future we will always have to fight with compromises that impose the Manufacturer us, so they do not kanabalisieren Prof. their market. For the most restrictions in consumer models, there is no cost or production point that speaks for it. The only reason to do this, the consumer is to define the models of professional models.
Antwort von WoWu:

But is the professional sector already kanibalisiert, considering what qualities one today in the range 5-9 k be given.
Today, good cost Lenses many times a camera head.
The next step in the 50k Group (Arri) is synonymous not compromised when good cameras cost 2k, because it takes as synonymous quite different requirements and the amount already in Different does not matter.
Antwort von woppel:
what do you think happened because what if now all the new video cameras come out with a large chip, that is the advantage of DSLRs, but also without all the disadvantages, and then they are cheaper than the 5d or 7d or possibly even the 600d. " The camera I want to see:) If not sure to happen. For all the 5d stretch has little depth of field, there is the possibility to dim and simultaneously increase the sensitivity of the sensor. The noise only s.einer of ISO 1600 is disturbing.
I am convinced the combination of camera and video camera, after all, synonymous, the concept of Red SCARLET EPIC and. It makes perfect sense when one is dependent on both produce photos as synonymous videos to have a camera and use parts of the equipment for both situations. This saves money and weight. It takes much longer pays to have two cameras.
At 4200 ¬ price difference between the 550D and the Panasonic, is even the money in there for a sound device and a decent micro. So for me the beginning as honest s.Ende of DSLR in video. In addition, Canon will for sure after the success of 5-/7-/550D not persuaded to leave the video function in the status quo. Even the Rolling Shoutter and the H246 format are quickly in the past.
Antwort von joe11:

VDSLRs are not perfect. It was with very small changes (compared to a live-view DSLR) can provide an acceptable video quality and so it was done. Room for further improvement have always been allowed to camera manufacturers. Shall run the business now even with cameras.
Heat problem
-Moiré/Alias | Wavefront Mayaing
Audio recording
Remote-controlled focus
It's just a matter of time, then the Manufacturer will eliminate the above problems completely. I see no reason why the devices that would be larger. Electronics is constantly better, smaller and more energy efficient (= less heat).
VDSLRs extinct? More likely is an EOS 650D with 4k Resolutionund 16 audio channels.
Antwort von Frank B.:

I believe the discussion of video DSLRs is only relevant in the short or long for the amateur up. semi-professional. Professionals will ensure better and better equipment have available, as VDSLRs. In the semi-prof. Area there is sometimes the AF 100, which certainly will be interesting synonymous for many professionals. The price is too high for many amateurs. Furthermore, I think, amateurs for their productions are not opposed to devices that connect the Still Image and video together. So that VDSLRs mainly cameras are always with hopefully better video features, might be a problem for many amateurs. I like movies a lot of architecture and art, as it is sometimes of advantage of a high-resolution still image to have. Is easy for me to assist the development of a new class of devices is to unite the two worlds together better. The AF 100 and 10 are the harbingers of the NEX. I suspect that the Manufacturer the class to 2000, - ¬ will not be equipped to all professional, because otherwise their semi-professional equipment, the water would excavations. Possible, then, that in the area until 2000, - ¬ with VDSLRs covers and s.da appropriate device with video offers upscale features.
Antwort von handiro:

The Charite'Film supposed to me the 7D have been rotated so nothing because of impossible!
The AF 101 is holding an anticipation of the Scarlet and non-existent in 3 months in the trade, then schaumermal .... I'll bet the others will follow suit Manufacturer. This is going to be coming in the right direction.Was lacks is a viewfinder and moto s.der Page zoom and already, the ENG kilo pigs on governments verkloppt pain it ..... .... I'm excited!
Antwort von meawk:

"... VDSLRs as their main function is the recording of photos - the recording of video is just adding and improving features of this area has not been a priority for the Manufacturer..."
The shit thing is done now since the early days of VDSLR etc. Total old hat - the synonymous takes no more by constant repetition in its original form and beauty.
Antwort von Replay:

I hate to say so long that a camera is not particularly suitable in order 'to shoot NEN film. Now it's official, so to speak.
This DSLR movie mode will disappear, and I say synonymous for some time, just like the with the shallow depth of field will disappear again, which I feel at least in the film as very unpleasant.
Antwort von KlausZ:

Leutz, let's just keep talking in 3-4 years. The video features in DSLRs are the degree of s.Anfang and both amateur and professional synonymous site appears to be a need is there to turn synonymous with cameras High-end films.
I see the development analogous to the recording studio technology. Even in the 90's to early 80's professional sound recording and the final products were only possible with expensive equipment and therefore denied only to people who "could afford it." Today, every student - if he has the talent to produce a CD in high-end quality. What had previously made large consoles, now make powerful computers with high-quality plug-ins that cost only a fraction of the original equipment. The technology will revolutionize the synonymous Still Image / camcorder range - we are grad s.Anfang. Therefore, high-quality hardware will not die (is synonymous as used in recording studios today, good and expensive outboard analog), but it is definitely a shift taking place, as occurs in other technology-dominated areas. And good quality films can then turn the synonymous that do not invest tens of thousands of neuron. The monopoly has begun to crumble long ago - so I see this
Antwort von Gabriel_Natas:
But is the professional sector already kanibalisiert, considering what qualities one today in the range 5-9 k be given.
Today, good cost Lenses many times a camera head.
The next step in the 50k Group (Arri) is synonymous not compromised when good cameras cost 2k, because it takes as synonymous quite different requirements and the amount already in Different does not matter. Man kanabalisiert but the 5-10k group start if you should want for cameras like here <2k reinzustellen.
Antwort von Mink:
This DSLR movie mode will disappear, and I say synonymous for some time, just like the with the shallow depth of field will disappear again, which I feel at least in the film as very unpleasant. Garbage!
The DSLR movie mode has been implemented fairly and by the way is now of a (relative) minority gehypet and of very, very few used seriously. New things will happen and at some point, our slippers a better movie mode than the DSLR's of today.
The control of depth of field in 90% of all feature films a stylistic device (undzwar has been a while;) if you do not like the ... Look away!
Antwort von NEEL:
if you do not like the ... Look away! Or true film classic. Prior and the first 70 years of film history had made every effort to avoid this blurring. As a negative film still had less than 10 Asa, you went to Hollywood to turn on cheap desert land in open sky studios in bright sun and can thereby have everything sharp. Later we went to huge carbon arc lamps to really synonymous with internal turning to get everything sharp. Uncertainty has been avoided, just where possible. Only with the trend of light logic and no-budget shoot of the 60s and 70s was left deliberately to blur and made the best of it. Nevertheless, in the eyes of the Orson Welles Bouket a 5D at best would have been easy Technical scrap that one would immediately have to wegleuchten ...:)
Antwort von Axel:
In the eyes of the Orson Welles Bouket a 5D at best would have been easy Technical scrap that one would immediately have to wegleuchten ...:) Exaggerated. And synonymous not relevant. These are not the 1950s. But, unnoticed by the triumph of the spongy DOFs almost the classic camcorder in recent years have caught up synonymous: Much of what their recordings was until recently as a shabby, would have exposed its electronic origin vorflimmerndes video, visibly improved, progressive pictures, better exposure control and / or better dynamic behavior, better resolution. Why not for large depth despite large aperture (and thus less need-Lux) is a ool for the video cam and watercolor with pastel bokeh (what one has seen enough in his term extremes bloom now) the DSLR?
Antwort von woppel:
This DSLR movie mode will disappear, and I say synonymous for some time, just like the with the shallow depth of field will disappear again, which I feel at least in the film as very unpleasant. No, because all Manufacturer translated to larger and larger chips (see RED), synonymous with respect to 4K and the low-light performance, will this effect probably prevailed. The high depth of field digital cameras based on the date in Comparison to the APS-C sensor, the 7D COMS very small size of CCD chips. But as I said yes you can dim and the ISO screw up or turn on the light.