Infoseite // Two video tracks mix

Frage von PhilippT:

'd Like to play s.Montag a record of friends with 2 cameras. Unfortunately I have no way to build a Directing local and live it to mix. Now I want to know if you can recommend me a software with which one sees in retrospect, both videos and can switch back and forth between you. Have unfortunately currently only Pinnacle studio 12 plus to choose from. One could, of course, synonymous everything "single cut" but that would have seen a lot of time consuming ...

mfg Philipp


Antwort von domain:

The sound you will probably use in any case only of a camera. This recording you put you in PS12 in the main track and the visual images synchronously the second camera, but with no sound in the track of it.
By activating and deactivating the view of the upper track you can then decide in each case what the picture will be taken and then cut out the pieces of the second track at first disabled track.
For better NLEs is Multicamschnitt however already provided and is in front of you, as you imagine it to you and you've described.


Antwort von PhilippT:

Hey thanks I never imagined the thought about before. I'd only gone about it but I think it submix live tracks with only two, one does not make it more complicated :-)

The ton is absorbed and external search then still have a camera but since you have to stop only the connection :-) I'd suggest yes s.liebsten a flap but it will be synonymous thus possible * g *

mfg philipp


Antwort von bgk:

Hi Philip,

in the lower ranks of the editing programs s.ehesten probably the products of Magix your demands. There are namely the so-called


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