Frage von HDP2426:
Am quite new to the business: When I try to transfer a film of the video camera to your PC is jerky, the film had when viewing the movie on the pc though it is played back smoothly in the window of a digital camera.
The following devices are connected to:
Processor AMD Athlon XP 1900 vga card, NVidia GeForce 3 Ti 200
Fast Show dazzle, software Fastforward 1.75 and Windows XP
Camera Sony DCR PC 101E PAL
Question, what should I do?
Antwort von Markus:

You did not happen with Windows XP Service Pack 2?
See here:
Antwort von HDP2426:

Hello Mark
Fine, thanks for the tip, have Service Pack 2, of course, be removed immediately, but unfortunately without much success.
Perhaps I express myself synonymous not look right! Am as I said Beginners
synonymous, and not the youngest (62 years).
When I am with a side of the camera pan across a row of houses or other HOST jerk the pictures or they are biased in Dv Now even when viewing window without saving any of them.
Now I've found that in the Manual of DV now the slot 2 or 3 for the DV card is now proposed in the PC and an IRQ of 9, 10 or 11 I have stopped production in the Award BIOS IRQ 10 for the slot 3 and stored. But when I premiere 6.0 and have installed 1.75 Fastforward adjusts itself in the device manager IRQ 17 for the Fastforwardkarte.
This might be the fault of the jerk, what am I doing wrong and what else can I do.
For an answer or a tip I should be very grateful
Gruß Dieter
Antwort von Buddy0278:

Hello HDP2426.
Dezeit possession of another calculator 1000MHz Athlon, and the rest of the Kompoenten is synonymous ot just the youngest. Work on Windows 2000, but so different are not even the operating systems, in Gengenteil, XP is so far the more current.
Now to your problem.
Also I had with the Terratec Firewire card and the Schnittproramm Ulead Video Studio 8 Ruckelbilder and audio dropouts.
Has the friendly and competent hotline can help me so that the problems have gone up to 99.9%.
1. Should you need not necessarily be present and in your PC, disable the BIOS, the serial interfaces.
2. The card should be as free as possible in the first PCI slot AFTER the graphics card (I thank you once, you have an AGP graphics card be installed).
Swap the cards may be, from each other, just let 'the sectional chart is still in FIRST PCI slot.
3. Assign the IRQs in Bios brings to the slots under windows 2000 / XP, a nothing, because the PC is controlled via ACPI, and then Windows does what it wants anyway (interrupt sharing !!!).
I hope you herewith to have helped a little.
Get the forum here to keep something in mind, perhaps one has to hear what positive of you, or it still appears to a question.
Antwort von Peter S.:

: 2 The card should be as free as possible in the first PCI slot AFTER the graphics card (I thank you once, you have an AGP graphics card be installed). :
The first PCI slot shares the IRQ almost always with the AGP slot. The graphics card needs to pull together, therefore, with the cut card.
MFG Peter
Antwort von buddy0278:

Okay, so when Peter writes, he will have the idea of matter.
I made this so far not been checked in Device Manager.
But insisting since Windows or MS on ACPI, you will be able to deal only with an OS change the problem.
I helped the Tip of the hotline, anyway.
If it should work synonymous with you, then I would not be happy all the more.
Antwort von Thore Rehbach:

It is usually sufficient even, 2 to use free slot for the graphics card and have the first freely.
Antwort von Budy0278:

Provided you do not have installed too many cards in the PC! ;)
Antwort von domain:

@ HDP2426
Generally, you have to the theme of "jerking analyze" something more accurate.
1. periodic jerking, then about every half to 1 seconds (general hardware problem, ie this is too slow, but at least in conjunction with special software)
2. aperiodic jerky whenever the image content has changed dramatically (special hardware problem at high data rates)
3. regular 25p judder, which I would describe as a regular Dahinstottern or rattle, for example. Häuserfeont in one pan)
In the latter case you will have to put up with being this effect, because it is typical for all progressive display techniques, such as. s.PC, because the camcorder takes up most of that is 50 fields per second, but the PC this is happening with 25 frames per second deinterlaced. The quality, as s.Röhrenfernseher you'll never reach it.
LG Helmut