Frage von Auf Achse:
I have read some time ago here in the forum that the signal of the external / internal microphone, usually on a specific audio track of the camera is placed. Which Micro on the right, which left on Micro?
Can the article where I find this not read ....
Thanks for your info,
On axis
Antwort von rush:

I guess because there are no substantially fixed standards ... Certainly there are companies / institutions that have a certain standard but well ...
I know so it mostly in one lane of the O-Sound is dangling on track 2 and the Kameraatmo ... would in that case probably left O-Sound; right general atmosphere.
It is important eigtl. only you know what is where, on average:)
Antwort von Auf Achse:

Yes, yes, for me even if it were not a problem, but is important when you pass material. Here in the forum I've read that there is a common assignment of audio tracks, as a kind of unwritten law .....
LG, on axis
Antwort von rush:

As I said ... for companies I've worked so was almost always as I mentioned it already ... Lane 1 = O-Sound and lane 2 = Kameraatmo.
Whether DigiBeta, IMX Beta SP or synonymous to the good :-)
With four tracks Track 1 is also placed on the 3 lane 2 and routed again on the fourth. Thus, at least - if you with two separate (mono) sources are working.
Antwort von phil403:

So I know from the ORF synonymous as it has said rush.
Only one must not forget that when several people are working with the material to:
The single label. If you know exactly what to write your tape on which each track is proof that works for you to know.
An example. On tape, the ORF is always:
1.2 3.4 PGT ATMO
PGT with your program sound and ATMO is the camera microphone. You do not have to make sure it exactly, but I have found that it is so s.einfachsten for all.
Antwort von robbie:

The ORF requires yes in principle for some time the program sound (ie the micro of the interview) at 1 and 2 This sometimes leads to the most adventurous Y-connectors, which I have ever seen.
In-house productions but lately I use always the PGT to 1 to 2 atmospheres, the whole course manual corresponds leveled, and the auto leveled PGT 3 and 4 back of the automatic atmosphere.
In general, we are always one (ie left) of the program sound, the right atmosphere.
Antwort von Auf Achse:

LG, on axis