Frage von roman.:
after some search in the Forum has brought nothing, I would like now to the forum itself.
I have since spent a week with a Canon XM2 Raynox Fisheye. But now I am looking for a still weitwinkligeren Lens (; Or Fisheye Wide Angle - both interested me).
Important for me is the possibility of the lens on a 58mm filter thread to screw that holds my Canon and it is not in the corners comes to black margins.
Informed me as I already have a Opteka Fisheye .3, which I would like synonymous.
Still to use: We film fun sports mainly with focus on freeskiing. If you like the skating before (; follow Cams where you must close s.den drivers, etc.)
If someone has a lens in the head, which meets my requirements, then please just post!
Antwort von [egert]midge:

So I did for my XM2 a Raynox mx3000 weitwinkel converter with factor 0.3. that is thick. is exactly the angle you like skate and snowboard videos knows. the fisheye, I think I had 140 euro cost.
I can not complain about. it comes at a slight vignetting (which is incidentally only s.rechner sees, not on the display of the camera), but if one is the minimal einzoomt away synonymous.
weitwinkel the converter are just not fully durchzoombar but who wants to know. ja ne one wants the shortest possible focal length have;)
Antwort von pailes:

Well the Death Lens:
Antwort von tatita:

So I've synonymous an MX-3000PRO Fisheye Raynox of XM2 for my self and am very happy with it. The price-performance ratio is on top and with vignetting, I had never been synonymous problems.
I would in the near future, possibly due to a switch to a new camera for sale, if you interested.
Antwort von roman.:

First, thank you for your answers!
Had any one jmd Lens for XM2 although weitwinklig, but without the fisheye effect? And then the whole s.besten with a factor of .3 x ...
Thank you in advance;)