Infoseite // XPress 5.2 crashes backwards Triming min from J-button

Frage von grossi48:

Did the trim on an Avid Xpress 5.2 is the problem that when trimming back on the keyboard (Y button) the program is completely gone and I land on the desktop. Although I can then restart the Xpress and synonymous continue working, but everything still is not saved is, of course, was gone.
The next trim with the L button but it works flawlessly, just like any other keyboard shortcuts.
The trim with the mouse or the frame or trim are also easily possible.
I come from the Media Composer, because I knew such a problem.
Jamand knows the problem and knows the Council?
Thank you!


Antwort von emu:


So a fundamental problem is not with Xpress - something I had never before. Does the program run on certified hardware or PC brand self? If the latter is the case, it might be due.

An error analysis is, however, without providing further details of the system very hard - this may actually lie s.allem potential (synonymous Windows, you should not ignore, or are you working on the Mac?).
If applications simply touch close, I would have any drivers or memory problem suspected.

If nothing helps, I would suggest clean installation to a truly clean system. If the error still on, one could perhaps synonymous times the contact Avid support (yes they've got some time before ticket numbers distributed times, with which you can apply for free s.die).
Maybe you should synonymous times the update to 5.2.4 - this is free and possibly the error so as not more.



Antwort von Hilf mir:

Look in the settings what is happening on the JKL keys programmed. Maybe you're so instead of "rewind" what else on the keys


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