Frage von takeeasy:
what software you recommend for the converter? or you can with almost all the vhs band digitizer or improve?
gruss jogo
Antwort von Markus:
what software you recommend for the converter? or you can with almost all the vhs band digitizer or improve? The context do you mean after the cessation of the ADVC300? This goes with the software "Picture Controller 300" to the A / D converter box.
You can capture the data with any video capture tool or program, the DV data via firewire accepts. Since then you have free choice, because I know about every program in the situation.
BTW: In addition to the A / D converter has yet another device a significant impact on the quality of digitization: the VCR, the playback of analog tapes used. An old top loader abgenudeltes VHS battle ship can not, of course, points (increased image noise, etc.).
Antwort von takeeasy:

said yes it is the picture I program Ahab synonymous, just like there is a program where you can improve the picture? oh and yes I have considered synonymous because the vhs player and to have me a panasonic nv90 fetched 100 Euro on ebay, hope it was a good investment. and Nochwas have read (of course) which is synonymous erstmal 2 programs should use to the building by first grinding
tmpeg and vitual dub, that's true and what is?. or are the differences if you like to digitize the variant tmpeg and vitual dub rather low so what the image is concerned I believe.
thank you in advance for reply. achso proggis what you use because if I may ask, or what would you recommend.
Antwort von Markus:
said yes it is the picture I program Ahab synonymous, just like there is a program where you can improve the picture? Somehow I understand your remarks not. Above, I had to write something. What kind of a similar program should it be? And this takes up a similar program has also been on the ADVC-300 or is there now mean something completely different?
... and have me a panasonic nv90 fetched 100 Euro on ebay, hope it was a good investment. This depends on the condition of the recorder.
... did you read [...] synonymous erstmal 2 Programs should use first to the building through to grind ... The digitization takes place in the ADVC-300 instead, even before the data reach the computer. Unlike in digital form could be a (digital) computers synonymous nothing to start. That with the looping through additional programs (during the capture?) I've never heard. A subsequent correction, however, in some cases, though computationally intensive. Since catching the Canopus converter out quite a bit when you adjust it properly (video monitor for image control use waveform monitor if available).
proggis ... what are you using because if I may ask, or what would you recommend. It does not matter. You can take the Movie Maker, WinDV, CaptureFlux, every other video editing program ... as long as you only DV-AVI capture and nothing else.
Antwort von takeeasy:

jo alles klar (almost just another thing that is so then quai on the fly so the digitizer? how can I do this with the awareness of the saturation and contrast?, I can make it bad when he digitized and repeatedly intervening or spark? or times must I make a test run (so 5 min) with settings like diemir and then again in front of so s.dann Digitizer leave home?
've been next to me really helped, I hope you löchre not very alzu
Antwort von Markus:
... So this is then quai on the fly so the digitizer? Yes. Anders is not the synonymous.
how do I do it with the sharpening of the contrast and saturation? You give the corresponding analog recording, set the parameters of the ADVC-300 in the Picture Controller 300 software properly an AND control while the Picture s.einem video monitor (the bsp. S.den analog outputs of the ADVC-300 is attached). Then you rewind the recording back and digitalisierst it in the next step.
When sharpening the video remember that so clearly synonymous noise in the fore. Less is often more.
Antwort von takeeasy:

all clear, you really helped, thank you