Frage von ruth grash:hello kinners,
I actually read a lot here in the forum and research. nonetheless. I could answer the following question to me is still pending.
I wanted to make me move up a MiniDV camcorder, and thus smaller and dokus kurzfilme. more semi-professional. The material should be as braodcast capable. rethought the camcorder synonymous meets my budget. I wanted to use the cam for 2-3 years and then through a hd / hdv replacement model.
in the last time but I fear it would be wrong
not buy hdv-camera, as (simple) minidv has its day. However, the hdv-dinger synonymous significantly more expensive and not yet as established on the market.
I now do only?
what would you do it or did you do?
merci bien °
Antwort von wolfgang:
A semi-professional camcorder - such as the Canon XM1 - is priced in the neighborhood where we now get quite a HC1. Whether the HC1 been described as semi-professional - naja. More probably an FX1, but is priced higher.
Broadcast-capable - that is for broadcasters - I would be synonymous with HDV cautiously. Many organizations are likely not want to accept the material. Synonymous but is supposed to be a Panasonic HVX allegedly not accepted ...
So if the material is to be sold s.Sendeanstalten - then I would be cautious times. Ifs s.Private or is rather small companies, because it can certainly be more likely to work with HDV.
Antwort von prem:
I wanted to make me move up a MiniDV camcorder, and thus smaller and dokus kurzfilme. more semi-professional. Icch have bought the FX1 to make it smaller and dokus kurzfilme to rather amateurish
Antwort von ruth grash:
merci for your reply. fx1? I thought even s.eine higher price class, and wanted to / could spend around 5,000 euro.
It is in this price class do not really, just buy a hdv cam too?
please help
Antwort von K.-D. Schmidt:
Hello Ruth,
with minidv camcorder if you think only the cassette format, would be in your price range thinking synonymous worth a shoulder type camera JVC GY DV5100. So you certainly can turn broadcastfähige documentaries, if need be, synonymous in 16:9. Just not in HDV. But as already mentioned, with HDV broadcasters still have fear of contact.
Antwort von ruth:
Thank you. stimmt! The JVC GY DV5100 is great. Lose a time to test and hire.