Frage von atlas:
Hey, I've following problem:
I want to use the AE Effects already available to import.
For example, I click on Import ---> then then in the after effects folder "effects" and take as 3dglasses.aex then I get the error message "after effects feler: the file '% s' can not be imported: dateiformt or enlargement is not supported. "
I would like to make a text animation like Andrew Kramer in a video vorstllt make. However, I find directly in the program tab effects & no presets, and the import funktiniert not synonymous.
I would be very pleased to find a solution.
gruß atlas
Antwort von Bucho:

The AEX are your effects. The are already in the menu. There's nothing to import. What you are looking for are FFX and the files are sent via double click or drag and drop from said "Effects and Presets" (or how to Doof-German states) window. Practical way the section under the "Window" menu synonymous. Otherwise: Manual book would certainly not hurt ...
Antwort von evahaw:

So I've synonymous og this problem but:
I want to use the AE Effects already available to import.
For example, I click on Import ---> then in the after effects folder "effects" such as animation and accept targets -> Text -> Blur -> Schnelzug then I get the error message "after effects feler: the file '% s' can not be imported: dateiforamt or extension is not supported. "
I want a text animation (dummy effects) in my video to add. adobe bridge when I go to the animation targets involved in the after-effect with an asterisk * are drawn in AE wants to import, it does not synonymous with FFX files in question so it would have to actually go ...
I would be really mad happy if they could help me thank
gruß eva
Antwort von Mylenium:

Nope. All wrong. Effect presets only go on the 'Effects & set "palette in AE. You can neither import nor will bridge it somehow makes sense to apply if you are not from the Bridge palette star test ( "Effects & durchuchen targets").
Antwort von evahaw:

first thanks for the reply
Yes ok if that is so, why do I Effect (animation targets -> text -> Fast Blur) is not on the effect settings, or see, even though I have the text drawn on the hab. But if I for example, a Effect of the same folder (Aniamtionsvorgaben -> Backgrounds -> appearance) prefer, I can to see the effect settings and edit ...
Why is that?
Antwort von Jörg:

we can all effect settings. Presumably, the keyframes outside the visible part of the Comp Expand this, and the keyframes are visible.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Thore Rehbach:

The text effects are not in the sense Effects. The settings you will find directly in the composition, by typing the text layer "aufklappst" and was then "text" also "aufklappst".
Antwort von evahaw:

Thanks for the helpful info:) I will try's equal ...
Could you give me perhaps as good tutorial pages of Adobe After Effects and Premiere CS3 recommend that all the necessary tips and tricks show? I've already visited some sites and at synonymous Youtube, there's some really good videos but they are for any applications I have just always at Google / Youtube tap in order to learn something ... this is then a lot of work and cost synonymous time ... (If I had time to watch each tutorial, and then choose the good, there would be no problem ...)
Thanks again ... :)
Antwort von Thore Rehbach:

Well, I think you need seeeehr lot of patience if you do want to start with AE. For my part, I've been in 10 years and still find new approaches / opportunities etc pp:)
Antwort von Jörg:
've been in 10 years and still find new approaches / opportunities etc pp:) and thats the reason for everlasting love ...