Frage von seiliebschatz:
hi all,
I have all kinds of movies at 640x480 30fps / s as * mov file. to convert the movies and on dvd to burn is not a problem, the question is just how off and what the settings are correct to the best quality to get.
or perhaps it makes more sense svcd's to make it? (because 640x480 format already) but still 30 fps / s.
pal dvd format to conform to convert, but it is necessary to 25fps / s and 720x576 to make.
or I see this wrong?
alternative I would choose ntsc dvd format 720x576, 30fps / s, then I think times will be no visual loss occurs. but can do any dvd player or plasma without converting?
have video deluxe 15 premium, nero9 full, photoshop CS4, any video converter, etc., as well as the codecs.
long story short, there is a crack to tell me how can I get my ausgansmaterial without visible losses on dvd do?
Antwort von Wotan:

You will probably not have nachvollziehhbaren quality losses by using the Resolutionauf 720 * 576 vergrößerst. Even if you do then verkleinerst the loss would probably not measurable.
The question is only eigentlichh codec and bitrate. DH if you create a video DVD like, you have to, willy-nilly, must take MPEG2 PAL and NTSC anyway because not everyone is definitely a DVD player geschweigendenn Television.
25 frames PAL and NTSC is 30 frames anyway no loss of quality. At 25 fps does not smoothly, at ntsc wirds so to speak only about 5% if I am not mistaken schhneller played, so what ... 24 fps movies have ;-)
You need only versuchhen a möglichhst high bit rate when recoding to DVD eintsellen. 9.500 KBit suggest then you s.wenigsten loss in DVD format and remain in the norm.
lg, harry
Antwort von tommyb:

Uuups ...
You will probably not have nachvollziehhbaren quality losses by using the Resolutionauf 720 * 576 vergrößerst. Even if you do then verkleinerst the loss would probably not measurable. When a video-and then again runterskaliert, then not only mitgeschleift artifacts (due to the existing compression), but the Farbkanaläe interpolated synonymous. This may be a very visible loss of quality after being taken - it is measured in each case.
Better is the video before edit, filter. For example, with Avisynth to at least the grossest or blocky artifacts education ironed out.
25 frames PAL and NTSC is 30 frames anyway no loss of quality. There are more pictures in NTSC displayed per second, PAL is correspondingly less (concerns only the progressive format, and even then has NTSC 29.97 fps).
At 25 fps does not smoothly, at ntsc wirds so to speak only about 5% if I am not mistaken schhneller played Unfortunately you wrong.
A sg Normandlung of NTSC to PAL (TV) is not offset by the slower playing of the video footage obtained. It is tough work s.den frames - that is, either in NTSC frames omitted in order to achieve 25 FPS (Score jerky) or they will be the bulk of the frames zusammengeblendet (result not jerky, but is rather blurred in motion).
so what ... 24 fps movies have ;-) That what you mean is called PAL Speedup. There are the films with 25 instead of with 24 frames played. This makes the films in Europe, incidentally synonymous shorter. There's more here:
PAL-SpeedupÜbrigens machen selbst die Amis ein s.g. Telecine, es werden dabei Zwischenbilder errechnet um das 24p Material auf 30p zu bringen. Resultiert in mikroskopischen Rucklern.
Übrigens machen selbst die Amis ein s.g. Telecine, es werden dabei Zwischenbilder errechnet um das 24p Material auf 30p zu bringen. Resultiert in mikroskopischen Rucklern.
Übrigens machen selbst die Amis ein s.g. Telecine, es werden dabei Zwischenbilder errechnet um das 24p Material auf 30p zu bringen. Resultiert in mikroskopischen Rucklern.