Adobe Premiere Pro gets Canon Cinema RAW Light hardware acceleration
[12:45 Mon,27.January 2025 by Thomas Richter]
Adobe Canon Cinema RAW Light Hardware Acceleration in Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Media Encoder
Canon&s Cinema RAW Light format is now hardware-accelerated in the latest beta versions of Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Media Encoder. Users can expect significantly improved editing and transcoding performance when working with Cinema RAW Light files – ensuring smooth timeline playback and up to 10x faster export speeds. Currently, hardware acceleration is only supported on Apple Silicon computers; Windows support will follow in future beta versions.
To truly benefit from the Canon Cinema RAW Light acceleration, sufficient storage is currently also necessary. According to Adobe, 16 GB of RAM is insufficient; at least 24 GB of RAM is required for real acceleration – but Adobe is working to reduce the memory demands of this new feature.
Users of older Intel Macs will not benefit from the acceleration, nor will the detailed settings of the Canon Cinema Raw Development App, such as ISO, NR, and sharpness, be added.
Canon Cinema RAW Light
Canon first released the Canon Cinema RAW Light format in 2018 alongside the Canon EOS C200; it is now also available on other models such as the EOS C500 Mark II, the EOS C300 Mark III, the EOS R5 C, and the EOS C70.
Canon Cinema RAW Light is a compressed version of the uncompressed Cinema RAW format developed by Canon for its professional video cameras. It was specifically designed for the needs of film production, combining high image quality with a moderate file size. This format allows for precise post-processing and color correction by retaining the original image data but using more efficient compression compared to the standard Cinema RAW format. It also offers users of the Canon EOS R5 C, the Canon EOS C70, and the Canon EOS C500 Mark II three data rate options (LT, ST, and HQ) to find the optimal balance between storage size and image quality depending on their needs.
Adobe recently announced updates for its Creative Cloud video tools, which are already active in the corresponding beta versions. Premiere Pro gets AI-based media organization and subtitle translation, while After Effects has improved caching and HDR support.