Frage von Gordenius:
I have the following problem: I have an existing AE Animation (; 1050x576) of getting a friend, I want to incorporate into a DVD Project (; 16:9). Unfortunately, I Encore CS4 auto a 4:3 out of it. The aspect ratio option in the Properties window is not selected. When I import a single frame in the format that I have the opportunity to present it as either a 4:3 or 16:9. In 16:9 mode, it looks exactly synonymous like I want it. I burned a DVD for testing. At the point s.der the animation (; unkomprmiert AVI file) start, my car goes to 4:3 Television and it no longer matches the following menu (; 16:9). I had a play off before the animation sequence, but unfortunately I can in an Encore Stillimage assign only one period of seconds and not not as individual frame. dagestellt are properly and the aspect ratio option is free.
I want to ensnare the animation is not really in a different format, especially as I so desired representation in single-mode getting. I do unfortunately not as I can tell Encore "Hi, this is 16:9, and there is a possibility vielleich in exporting the file from AE CS4 that I have overlooked?? I am grateful for any help.
Antwort von Mylenium:

Is that Pixelseitnverhältnis the composition? If it's not square and ends up this info in the AVI, then Encore would rumrechnen something to it. Otherwise this would have to work just fine. Can course imemr nest nor the composition in an appropriate 1050x576 720x576 Widescreen composition. where the conversion is taking place now is so completely horn ...
Antwort von Jake the rake:
(...) Can nest naturally imemr nor the composition in an appropriate 1050x576 720x576 widescreen composition. where the conversion is taking place now is so completely horn ...
Mylenium So I do it synonymous, and then drag'n'drop into Encore ... (From AE!)
Antwort von Gordenius:

Square pixels, the composition. The problem, well not necessarily problem is, it looks better in 1050x576 format and as I said, yes it works for still synonymous with the format and is displayed in a corresponding Widescreen.
Antwort von Jake the rake:
Square pixels, the composition. The problem, well not necessarily problem is, it looks better in 1050x576 format and as I said, yes it works for still synonymous with the format and is displayed in a corresponding Widescreen. Of course, see quadr. Pixels on your monitor with quadr. Pixels better!
The DVD supports this pixel but not required for 16:9 content with 720X576 with a PAR of 1.46 ...
Ergo you create such a composition in Ae., And pull the "quadr." there inside ... This you can drag to Encore (without rendering) and then continue as an asset ...
Antwort von Gordenius:

Okay ensnare, then comp. Thanks for the help ...
Antwort von Jake the rake:

quite easy: Put the existing composition to the "Is Kompositon" Create Icon, [press Ctrl + n.and choose the preset for 16:9 without quadr. Pixels ...
Rendering takes 2 seconds and, thanks to Dynamic Link does not even necessary ...