Infoseite // AC3 plug in for Premiere Pro 7?

Frage von Beckham23:

Have the following problem:

I have vob files that have AC3 as a soundtrack. I always rename the files in order to mpg and then invite them in Premiere Pro 7 The video track to work, but the sound is not accepted.

So far, I have always only with the files in Virtual Dub XVID converted. The new files, I then returned to mpg and then renamed in Premiere Pro 7 loaded. That works well, because now synonymous the soundtrack.

Since it is quite annoying is only the files with Virtual Dub to convert, I once wanted to know whether it's an AC3 plug in for Premiere Pro 7, so that this same with the soundtrack recognize?

I hope you understand my problem and can help me.

Thank you.



Antwort von oncestyle:

Premiere can not import ac3, let alone edit it.

you have them in wav file convert ne ... so did you at least have Dolby Surround ...


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AC3 plug in for Premiere Pro 7?

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