Infoseite // Buy AVCHD camcorder from USA

Frage von Stutzel:

Hello, dear film friends,

I soon probably the possibility of a little-used Panasonic HDC-SD300 in the U.S. (where he is currently called HDC-SD300K) to buy. I would like to use it here for home movies. On Comparison of the technical data I have found no difference, but I'm not sure:

Because I do not know me so well with the technical background in detail, especially not with AVCHD. But I suppose the difference Farbfernsehformat NTSC HDV plays no role. And how is it with the frame rate?

What should I observe from a technical point yet? In the forum I found this, nothing concrete. Can you give with your tips? That would be great!

Warm regards


Antwort von tommyb:

The frame rate plays a role.

Please use the forums search, for there you will find masses of thread why your idea could backfire (inch, flicker, etc.).


Antwort von Stutzel:

"TommyB" wrote: The frame rate plays a role.

Please use the forums search, for there you will find masses of thread why your idea could backfire (inch, flicker, etc.).

Thanks for the quick response. Was looking at your tip out under the heading "Frame Rate" in the forums search. And indeed, there are already some posts, but then under the heading "United States" (I would have time to try), eg # 245,996

Most of the articles do not recommend. I let it better.

Thanks again!


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Buy AVCHD camcorder from USA

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