Infoseite // Final Cut Pro - Creating still pictures from auto Timeline

Frage von bountybob:


My film is cut, now I would like to create from the timeline, such as every 10 seconds and either rear Stillimage s.die Timeline hang or save to a folder. This I would later use for a guy. Does the car somehow? Every 10 seconds in the timeline one frame and select Save Picture manual is technically possible but not very much effort.

At times Windows (Premiere / Pinnacle Studio) you could make the car as I do not know, but it went away.

I hope someone can help.

Thank you!


Antwort von Randoms:

I only know the way:
With Shift + N. You can also view a Stillimage create the position of your locators. Then pull the viewer into the timeline.

Can so quickly navigate with the TC input to your ideals .... Or Jump Marker and jump set ""


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Final Cut Pro - Creating still pictures from auto Timeline

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