Frage von Floopy:
Hi people
It Surely some of you have the above camera.
I have the problem that I have for some videos that I recorded after 2-2 seconds, extreme noise in the sound and did everything else is gone. Then it can happen that suddenly the sound is back and after 20 sec or sometimes more, sometimes less is it, then back to the Noise.
Why is that?
Recordings were made with the Japanese and controls the extra connectors? Does anyone know the problem?
One more question:
How can you edit the MOVs in Premiere CS5? Premiere always says that I do not have the right codec, but can import other MOVs from the Inet and I loosely synonymous QuickTime is installed?
What is the codec used this camcorder
Thank you for your answers ever
Antwort von Jott:

The mov-mode is only for direct import into Final Cut Pro. For all other NLEs, this recording mode (Quicktime wrapping) grottenfalsch.
The codec is always compatible Sony XDCAM EX, then MPEG 2
Antwort von gunman:

Have this Camera synonymous and can not confirm your Tonproblem described. With me everything is working normally.
Try the freeware tool (download at and convert the mov files. Only the sound is converted. I have already tried synonymous and mov files can be read in a standard NLE not (FCE).
Antwort von WoWu:

Those are the disadvantages of proprietary formats.
JVC had selected a standard that would not happen.
Antwort von Jott:

XDCAM EX is already a very popular format due to the vast amounts s.Sony camcorders s.Markt, MPEG 2 really understands just about every NLE. The fact that the Camera, the material OPTIONAL synonymous can pack the same in a Quicktime container is great for Final Cut Pro users, but of course only for the. A look into the manual in front of the rotation would be a good idea to avoid such own goals.
In fact the two are s.Markt JVC's precisely because of such option by the s.wenigsten "proprietary" cameras all over.
Antwort von WoWu:

XDCAM EX and MPEG2 are two pairs of shoes.
XDCAM EX is a trademark of Sony. The codec used, can be taken as synonymous of each other codec to any wrapper. Typical of Sonyist it to use in the XDCAM EX MP4 or use MXF wrapper.
JVC uses the MPEG2 codec one. Mov wrapper and couples off so of the standards. (MXF and mp4)
Antwort von Floopy:

Thank you for your answers only once.
I will implement your ideas once.
Greeting Floopy
Antwort von Jott:
XDCAM EX and MPEG2 are two pairs of shoes.
XDCAM EX is a trademark of Sony. The codec used, can be taken as synonymous of each other codec to any wrapper. Typical of Sonyist it to use in the XDCAM EX MP4 or use MXF wrapper.
JVC uses the MPEG2 codec one. Mov wrapper and couples off so of the standards. (MXF and mp4) No, the JVC's behave as 1:1 Sony. This is perfectly compatible and of synonymous officially Sonylizensiert. Look at the documents on time. Even the Sony transfer tool for Final Cut Pro recognizes the JVC-Files as a house brand (XDCAM EX) and takes it without complaint, in case you slept through to activate the mov-wrapping.
Antwort von WoWu:

May well be that the JVC synonymous Sonyversteht the metadata of, but not the MP4 container Sonyhat still MPEG2 and certainly not invented XMF Files ... and the few metadata, leading to a Proriarität make it worse rather than better.
Sonyhat best if the name and the XDCAMEX Metdaten invented the format.
If they should leave, they would have met at least one standard and how such problems could have been avoided here.
But that would obviously not have been marketingtauglich. he prefers on the backs of consumers.